Epick Erotick Limerick
from Laurie of the Isles

Janette in the Raven did sigh,
Nick was scarce and she didn't know why.
To Nat she suspected
Her Nick had defected,
And to Nat's abode she did fly.

Once there she sensed only Nat,
Watching movies alone with her cat.
Janette saw her alone,
perched close by the phone.
Janette sighed, she knew *all* about that.

On through the night Janette flew,
Not sure in her mind what to do.
Of a sudden she thought
She knew where Nick had got.
"He's with LaCroix!", she just knew!

With a snarl she turned towards CERK.
At this hour LaCroix'd still be at work.
At the back door she landed,
And dealt single-handed,
With a burly and mean shipping clerk.

Janette moved like air down the hall,
Then in shock, backed up to the wall,
There in the booth,
Locked tight, tooth to tooth,
Her Nick his master did ball.

Janette gasped and her heart did a hop,
To see Nicholas lying on top.
There could be no disputing,
And no way of refuting,
Nick *wanted* to be with his Pop!

She pondered Nick's fine derierre,
And the old Roman's feet in the air.
As more angry she got,
Sweet revenge did she plot,
In love and in war, all was fair.

In her mind the idea did burn,
To Natalie's flat she'd return.
By the time she was done,
Showing Nat some new fun,
Nick a good lesson would learn.

To be polite, Janette knocked at the door,
And adjusted the scant clothes she wore.
Nat's eyes opened wide,
Through the peep-hole she spied,
Long legs and cleavage galore.

Nat gaped as Janette breezed right in,
And she felt her head start to spin.
Nat felt like a frump,
Sitting around on her rump,
As Janette took her ratty robe in.

Janette pouted and started to cry,
As she'd planned, Nat quickly asked why.
"What's wrong, is Nick hurt?"
Nat hastened to blurt,
As the tears she attempted to dry.

Through tears Janette's eyes did shine,
<This lovely one soon will be mine>
Out loud she just wailed:
"Not with Lucien impaled,
On Nicky's long pecker devine."

Janette saw Nat start to quake,
Her hands and head start to shake.
"You're lying!" Nat hissed,
And began to look pissed,
Convinced Janette's tale was a fake.

Though Janette had begun to get mad,
She desperately tried to look sad,
She stifled her ire,
As she moved to the fire,
"Would I tell such a lie of my Dad?"

Nat blanched and sank into a chair,
No denying the truth that was there,
Janette took Nat's hand,
This was more than she'd planned,
And began to stroke Natalie's hair.

Janette's eyes found Nat's full of tears,
And felt tenderness she'd not known in years.
She gasped as she felt
Her heart start to melt.
She resolved to banish Nat's fears.

Nat's tear-streaked face she carressed,
To distract her, Janette felt obsessed.
Janette thrilled with surprise
Shock plain in her eyes,
As the trembling mortal undressed.

Nat had seen the change in Janette,
When Nat's face began to get wet.
Though a resister, Nat found,
Janette had her spell-bound,
And in passion their trembling lips met.

The lovely mortal grew bolder,
And she bared an ivory shoulder.
Unbuttoning her gown,
She let it slip down.
And watched Janette's eyes start to smoulder.

Through the link LaCroix sensed something new,
From his daughter a strong feeling grew.
Though on Nick quite intent,
Through the connection he sent
"What is it you're doing, and who?"

Back through the link Janette laughed
"You're going to think me quite daft,
You don't need to quiz.
Come and *see* who it is,
When you're quite through getting the shaft."

LaCroix chuckled and looked at his boy,
"Seems Janette has found a new toy."
But Nick was involved,
In getting resolved,
How much more his stiff prick could enjoy.

Back at Nat's things were getting quite warm,
As Janette licked every inch of Nat's form,
Nat twisted in lust,
Janette's tongue at her bust,
Her fingers o'er Nat's mound did swarm.

Nat's hands clutched at Janette's head,
And her hips lifted off of the bed,
As deft fingers found,
The core of her mound,
And Nat's lustful frenzy they fed.

Nat's nipple Janette fondly kissed,
And smiled to see Nat look so blissed.
She reclaimed Nat's mouth,
As Nat's fingers roamed south.
At Nat's touch on her clit Janette hissed.

Janette marvelled at Nat's fertile mind,
And rejoiced to have such a find,
With a wide naughty grin,
Nat's fingers slipped in,
And her legs with Janette's she entwined.

Back to Lucius and Nick we must fly,
Though I know you'll just pout and ask why,
We must move on the plot,
And see where they have got,
We'll get back to Nat's flat by and by.

The Boys basked in replete afterglow,
As their ravenous feeding did slow.
Though mind-blown with bliss,
Not a thing did Nick miss,
About Janette he demanded to know.

LaCroix gave a mysterious smile.
"This sensation I've felt for a while,
So I asked through the link,
And what do you think,
Janette does a new lover beguile."

"She laughed when I asked the name
And taunted me full without shame.
She said <Come and see>,
Such cheek, and to *me*!
Her manners on *you* I blame."

Nick spluttered, protesting "No way,
Since when has she done as *I* say?"
LaCroix just ignored,
Tho' Nick still implored.
"Come, Nick it grows toward day."

His clothes Nick drew on in a flash,
And close after LaCroix he did dash,
As he flew faster,
To catch up his master,
He wondered where Janette her lover did stash.