Limericks by Laurie of the Isles


'From a room o'er a medieval bar,
LaCroix mused, 'we have surely come far.
We two have oft lusted,
And once nearly got busted.
In the back of Nick's Cadillac car.'

Loyal to the End

Though they argue and bicker no end,
When the chips were down Nick did defend,
His meddlesome dad,
From his daughter quite mad.
It did much their fences to mend.

Just Plain Silly

In a warehouse loft in Toronto,
Our two vamps were about to cum pronto,
They shimmied and shook,
And shot pink-tinged gook,
Shouting "Yes! Now!" in clear Esperanto

Limerick inspired by Ashes to Ashes
July 26, 1999

Though long estranged from his sire,
And though oft Nick had called him a liar,
When Divia's scythe loomed,
And LaCroix was thought doomed,
Nick saved his old man from Hell's fire

Limerick LaCroix' Lament
March, 2000

In a medieval tavern in France,
Stood LaCroix with a bulge in his pants,
He'd just seen young Nick,
And the effect on his prick,
Was evident just at a glance.