Sonnet for Natalie by Laurie of the Isles
(As dictated by Sidney)

You fill my food dish every night and morn.
Your faithful brushing keeps my coat aglow.
The scrunchies that your lovely hair adorn,
Make better toys than store-bought things, you know.
Your cast-off nylons line my secret nest,
I've many nifty ways to ladder more.
You know the places I liked scratched the best,
In turn I honor you with purrs galore.
You give me cream each Sunday without fail,
And bits of popcorn with your late night flick.
I love to perch atop your stacks of mail,
And "Oops, was that a birthday card from Nick?"
 No matter that this "Knight" guy you adore,
 No walking Brick will ever love you more.