Minutiae (Or 156 Things I Know About You)
(with massive apologies--okay, maybe not massive ones--to Julie Andrews, although I bet she'd sing the fuck outta this!)

 John Watson’s outie and Sherlock Holmes lisping,

Dog tags and medals, experiments crisping,
Lestrade’s ‘smoking hot’ and our Mycroft’s no fool
These are Minutiae-this story’s so cool!

John’s ambidextrous and Sherlock is that tall
John’s high-pitched giggling at his Sherlock’s pratfall
Fairy cakes, dancing, locks, absinthe and wanks,
For all this Minutiae I’ve got to give thanks!

 John’s hot for jewelry and Sherlock gets earrings
John swears a blue streak for anyone hearing
Butterfly touches and tight jeans on bums
Minutiae’s a party and everyone comes!

John loves Sherlock
Sherlock’s brilliant
John is strong and brave
So this is Minutiae from Atlin Merrick
The story I always crave!

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