
Author: J.D. Rush (
Summary: Song parody to the tune of Lola; an AU where Skinner meets Mulder for the first time.
Rating: R for m/m sexual situations
Disclaimers: XF stuff--1013. Song belongs to the Kinks. Don't bother suing me--it's not worth it.
Author's Note: A companion piece, of sorts, to the LGM filk trilogy

  By J.D. Rush

I met him in a bar down in old D.C.

Where you drink cheap beer because they don't serve Coca Cola,

C-O-C-A cola.

He walked up to me, said he wanted to talk,

I asked him his name and in a mumbly voice he said Mulder

Special Agent Mulder


I strained to hear him over the din

As he told me his tale with a sad little grin,

Oh that Mulder,


He wanted to know just where I would stand,

With the alien invasion Spender had planned

So said Mulder,


As we drank our beers and talked all night,

I started to see that he was right,

But I could not allow him to believe,

I said, "Listen Mulder, just please let it be?"

Well he looked up at me and started to cry,

And I felt like a heel for having to lie to Agent Mulder.

Mu-Mu-Mu-Mu-Mulder, Mu-Mu-Mu-Mu-Mulder,

Mulder. . .

Mu-Mu-Mu-Mu-Mulder, Mu-Mu-Mu-Mu-Mulder.

He pushed me away,

And broke for the door,

We fell to the floor,

He was on his hands and knees,

He looked at my crotch and then at me. . .

I rolled him over, he let out a moan,

Then pulled me in close until I lay prone

Over Mulder


I kissed his mouth, those lush pouty lips,

Cupping his ass, I started rocking my hips

Into Fox Mulder


Well he gasped and cried and begged for more,

Said he'd never ever felt so horny before,

So I just smiled and took him by the hand,

I said, "C'mon boy, I'm gonna make you a man!"

He came home with me and we fucked all night,

He's lived with me since, it's such a wonderful life,

Just me and Mulder.

Mu-Mu-Mu-Mu-Mulder, Mu-Mu-Mu-Mu-Mulder.

Mulder. . .

Mu-Mu-Mu-Mu-Mulder, Mu-Mu-Mu-Mu-Mulder.

Mulder. . .

Mu-Mu-Mu-Mu-Mulder, Mu-Mu-Mu-Mu-Mulder.