Musical Interlude

Author: J.D. Rush
Rating: G, but slashy references.
Summary:  Just a small tribute to a special Lone Gunman; song parody to "My Sharona"
Disclaimer:  Chris Carter owns the characters; The Knack owns the song.
Author's Note:  I'll go take my medication now.

Musical Interlude
By: J.D. Rush

Oh, my little sleazy one, my squeeze-y one,
You simply drive me to my knees, Frohike,
Tell me who shot the Kennedys, pretty please,
Share your conspiracies with me, Frohike.

Never gonna stop, keep it up, such a suspicious mind,
He always gets on top, of any plot that he can find,
My, my, my aye-aye whoa!
M-m-m-my Frohike.

More popular by far, John and Langly are,
But no one's tastier than Mel Frohike,
See him dressed in black leather, a trend-setter,
Knocks me over with a feather, Frohike,

Never gonna stop, keep it up, such a suspicious mind,
He always gets on top, of any plot that he can find,
My, my, my aye-aye whoa!
M-m-m-my Frohike.

Breakin' in without a trace, he's on the case,
Not just another pretty face, Frohike.
Covert Ops, surveillance tapes, alien rapes,
All in a day's work for Melvin Frohike.

Never gonna stop, keep it up, such a suspicious mind,
He always gets on top, of any plot that he can find,
My, my, my aye-aye whoa!
M-m-m-my Frohike.

Yves may be the femme fatale, but we can tell,
That it's Byers who rings his bell, Frohike,
Or little Jimmy Bond, of who he's quite fond,
But he lusts for a longhaired blond, Frohike.

Never gonna stop, keep it up, such a suspicious mind,
He always gets on top, of any plot he that can find,
My, my, my aye-aye whoa!
M-m-m-my Frohike.
The End