I Sewed All Night
by Mik
RATING: Mostly Harmless. Of course, if you like your window treatments as they are– STOP NOW!  Forewarned is forearmed.  Proceed with caution.  Of course if you have four arms you can throw caution to the wind.
SUMMARY:  It's Trading Spaces. 'Nuff said.
ARCHIVE:  Only with my permission.
FEEDBACK:  Feedback?  Well, yes, if you insist …
DISCLAIMER It wasn't my idea to glue hay to the walls of anything!
AUTHOR'S NOTES ...if you must flame, just a light toasting, please?If you like this, there's more at http://www.squidge.org/3wstop
If you didn't like it, come see me, anyway.  Pet the dog.
GODDESS'S NOTES: Another penstroke of brilliance from the mighty Mick! If you need to know more about the nasty recording career of Paige Davis, well, buy me a cocktail and we'll talk!

I Sewed All Night...

 I had to redrape
  your den in linen and tulle.
Maybe I should have asked you first
 but your look of shock would be too cool.
 I was laughing while I worked
 knocking down your walls, uh huh, yeah

 The ratings we'll get
 destroying your home
will get us an Emmy and big fat raises besides

 I sewed all night to get it done.
Hope that's all right.
 I sewed all night
 to wreck your room.
 tore up game shirts you keep
 to make rugs for you.
  hope that's all right.
I sewed all night.

Treasures you've kept
 that I am tearing apart,
 making kitschy coasters out of
 priceless works of art, oh well.
 I think about you
 Standing there stunned and irked
 when we bring you in
 Best part is no way to blame me -your friends did all the work.

I sewed all night to make the show.
Hope that's all right.
I sewed all night
 some pillows and throws.
 Made your game ball a lamp
with tassels in rows.
 hope that's all right.
 I sewed all night.

I sewed all night to ruin it all.
 Hope that's all right.
I sewed all night
and I was having a ball.
thinking of the faces you’d make
when we showed it to you.
hope that's all right.
I sewed all night.