From: Sullivan-Baier)
Subject: gizzie
Date: 3 Oct 1996

Pre-Premiere Poem
by gizzie

T'were the night before premiere, and all through X-land
There's cheering and whistling and clapping of hands
Worked up to a frenzy (and some of us horney)
Will the premiere be AWESOME...or will it be corney??

The Erlynmeyer Punch is mixed up in a vat
There's flashlights and roaches and a crazed kitty-cat
We've liver and chicken and ribs that are hearty
All the right STUFF for a big X-Files party

We've waited for four monthes, plus three extra weeks
To see if our Mulder will neck-pierce that creep
And what's with this soft-spoken alien Smith?
Just what is his story, what "project"'s he with??

We know he's been cloned and that he's a shape shifter
And he SAYS that he knows something 'bout Mulder's sister
Was he part of the project when Scully was taken?
He healed all those people...or was he just fakin'?

And what's up with Cancer Man and Mulder's mommy??
(We think that they may have played "hide the salami")
So we're gathered in cyber space, anxious to see
Just what will we post now, who will the first be?

Chris with his rules, or Autumn's review
Whittles expounds pithy comment or two
Holgate Lost Boy, our friend from Great Brit
He'll keep us amused with his charm and his wit

There's Perseph, and Thalion, Barb R, Lisa D
Jake, Donna J, mikeandI, Dutch Corrine
All of these women lust after DD
And check here to see just where next he will be

Nancy (no sig) jumps to Scully's defense
And Nick Pedicini will sit on the fence
'till he KNOWS all the FACTS of just who did what where
While Al Ruffinelli will pull out his hair

When the newbies inquire "just where ARE the FAQ??
And the "X" in the what IS with that??"
And Munchkyn knows COOL stuff, while gizzie be's bad
Still, we're all wonderin' if CM's Mulder's dad.

No more of the talk of old stuff on the tube
Or what's our careers, or Pam Anderson's boobs
It's time now to nit-pick, and ponder and reason
"HAPPY PREMIERE TO US"...let's have a GREAT season!!