our look at what was really going on during the commercials, or when the cameras stopped rolling...includes my stories, and others as well... Three Words II- "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be cold or ungrateful. I just... I have no idea where I fit in. Right now. I just, uh... I'm having a little trouble... processing... everything." Paper Hearts-“My doctor advised me to get some sleep.” Just Desserts-by Foxhunt2blue-"He threw a steak? How do you kill someone with a steak?" Jump The Shark-"Are we freakin' heroes, or what?" Herrenvolk-"She'll never know..." Grotesque-"Are you worried about him?" Zero Sum-"We'll find another way." Trust No1-"I'm lonely, Dana, uncertain of my ability to live like this." Fire-"You were really out..." Unrequited-"And with all due respect, sir, he could be you." KitsunegariSECOND PLACE WINNER!-"So how come I feel like I lost?" Arcadia-"Mulder, speaking of cleaning up, whoever taught you how to squeeze a tube of toothpaste?" Je Souhaite-"So what was your final wish anyway?" The Red and The Black-"Good luck, my friend." Essence-"You're gonna protect her." Three Words-"You've got to understand what he's been through. I mean, now he's back and you're... " Dead Alive- "Let's take a ride." Hollywood A.D.- "What are you doing now, sir?" Miami Blues-by J.D.Rush-"You're alive. You have no idea how unhappy that make me." Part 1 Part 2 Part 3