Strange Flesh (1/1)
by Susan Jameson (

A long evening, yet too soon past ...
I open the door to my heart and close a door on the world, as I open
to you my mouth, my body and my soul.

Lover is a strange word, this is a strange love
yet no one on earth ever
will touch me as you do my lover
my lover
my friend.

bodies hard, pressed close
tongues that dance flames from body to soul
from up to down
from me to you

and I grow harder, wanting
waiting for your touch, for your entry
to me
the me inside the me no one but you lover will ever know

god, Daniel, so much, so much wanting, so much needing
can you touch me now yes there yes faster go there now do it do it do it

(and fear would fight you back yet you lover
you, gentle soul, will not leave me
you will touch and move and love me, gentle insistence, until I am yours again
and the aching emptiness is conquered as I am conquered as
you fill me fill my body fill my brain and all nothingness is gone
and now I lover am yours lover you lover are mine)

and is it so strange after all this needing to be filled with you
needing your arms
needing to feel in the flesh
what is marked forever on my heart

oh god don't stop now god don't stop

And I will be yours forever when my flesh is yours
I will be yours for eternity if eternity there is
if God there is will say for all heaven to hear, see
see how he loved him
and if we move unknowing from breath to cold earth I
will mingle with you as I do now
if no one ever knows it still I will be yours lover

more now still more hard and harder
if I feel you in the morning still here where you were lover
it is all I have until
so I will be sore lover for you
the longer to keep you


there is no ring of gold but there is
a stronger ring, forged hard in the living heat settled harder in the empty
a ring of bone and muscle and blood and all traced with patterns drawn from my soul
patterns that tell in runic fashion all that I am or ever hope to be is yours

your hands are strong on me and you are strong inside me and I cannot take back from you
what I have given
so I come, and you come, and it is all a sticky sweaty mess and it is all I have to give you
this letting go, this letting my body
move and feel and delight at your command

there is nothing I have that is not yours, not my body in any part nor my mind
nothing that is not yours

behind the door, behind the hidden door, behind the hidden unmarked door
where love is called strange
where you lover are called lover
and I lover am called yours

END "Strange Flesh" (1/1)