There was a young man named Fox
by Lush Virtues, who explains herself thusly:
Oh boy. It was supposed to be for the Slashing Mulder ‘What's not been done in XF slash before’ challenge. Someone (damn you) mentioned doing limericks the other day, and I figured that a slash story in limericks had probably not been done. Of course now I know the reason why ;-) Then it just got very silly (after the first line) & ah, what the hell…No Beta on this – I just couldn’t bring myself to ask. Summary – Hahahaha
(Feedback –

There was a young man named Fox
Who was partial to very big cocks
He shared his two lovers
Under the covers
One bald, one with very dark locks

Now Walter was surly and kind
With a disciplinarian mind
He came home one night
And was awed at the sight
Of young Fox’s inviting behind

Fox saw him come in and undressed
And reached down to his cock and caressed
He tightened his grip
And rubbed at the tip
“I can’t hold on long” he confessed

So Walter obliged with the lube
As he hurriedly squeezed at the tube
One finger then three
Walt purred with glee
At the tightness – like velvet, so smooth

Walter was frenzied and fumbled
As Fox grew impatient and stumbled
Then he laid on his back
And offered his crack
With a groan and words that were mumbled

When Alex came in through the door
He stared at them both on the floor
Alexander was sly
And his smile it was wry
‘Cause he knew that his Fox would want more

So he walked in and pulled up a chair
He knew that they just would not care
His cock was in need
With desire and greed
And he just couldn’t help but stare

It seemed like they went on forever
The sly Fox & Skinner together
The sex it was rough
“Have you had quite enough?”
Asked Alex, and Walter said “Never”

Walter knew that he really should share
So withdrew with incredible care
Fox turned to the floor
Got up on all fours
But when Walt pushed back in, Alex glared

See poor Alex was yearning for more
So he crawled under Fox on the floor
With no shame or class
He offered his arse
As Fox cried “you big fucking whore”

But Alex so wanted a fuck
Fox tongued him, then nibbled then sucked
He elicited groans
And erogenous moans
Bringing Walter to climax, what luck!

But Fox wasn’t finished or done
Though he had very nearly just come
Alex pulled out a chair
With a devious glare
Leant over it asking, “want some?”

Fox fucked him and clutched at his hair
But a squeaking noise came from the chair
On the twentieth stroke
It gave way and broke
So Fox finished him off in mid air