Song: (Untitled)
Pairing: John - UST
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: A song from John to Sherlock
Note from shouldbeoverthis: Written for me by a friend

I see your mind when you’re thinking,
it’s a perfect, precious thing. 
That’s the reason that I’ve been living here. 
It’s a sparkling thing of wonder,
and it makes me want to sing
to the outer reaches of the upper stratosphere.

You don’t know about the planets.
All you care about is this one.
You don’t know the earth revolves around the sun.
And if I were the sun, I’d orbit you instead,
Because I feel like I took a single stick shot to the head.

The clues I leave are obvious you should see
 that evidently to me I’m trying to lead you,
cause I tingle when you find those clues,
and call them elementary
and say say “Come here, I need you.”
Do you notice from my face, I’m an easy target,
do you notice how the blood rushes to my head,
cause my face right now is nothing but a study in scarlet. 
Do you care about a single word I’ve said. 
The best that I can do then,
is leave these little clues then.

I’m an open book, looking for a reader.
Do you save my thoughts for a rainy day,
and grab your violin and play
your favorite Mendelssohn leider.
A glimpse of my wrist tells You I was in Afghanistan,

I can’t make the thoughts I’m thinking gone
How I wish that I could cross this valley of fear
and embrace you, and whisper, “The Game is on.”