There’s a lot of work to be done this week on, you know, on these– all these architectural type cakes. And, the week won’t be that bad if I kind of pace myself well. I do like to sit down and just kind of think about the day.  In the sporting world they call it visualizing. It could also be called procrastinating.
– Geof Manthorne

In the sporting world they call it visualizing. It could also be called procrastinating.
– Geof Manthorne

There's, like, Sporty Rockette, and, like, Baby Rockette, Sneezy Rockette, then there was Susan.
– Geof Manthorne

Who can we get who is not afraid to grab another man's jewels? Hey, Duff."
– Geof Manthorne

Duff will be turning tricks before we know it.
-Ben Turner

She's celebrating her birthday, primarily, but she's also celebrating one year since her divorce. And in her e-mail, she said, "What better way to celebrate than to have a man on ice." Sassy-mollassy!
-Mary Alice

"Duff driving a tank fills me with foreboding and dread."
-Mary Alice

She's celebrating her birthday, primarily, but she's also celebrating one year since her divorce. And in her e-mail, she said, "What better way to celebrate than to have a man on ice." Dana! Sassy-mollassy."
-Mary Alice

"Hey, Dumbledork! Turn the light back on."
-Mary Alice

"Duff is anti-cupcake."
-Mary Alice

"Here's the thing. We love us some Star Wars."--Duff

Duff: What is your magic power?
Mary Smith: Making you shut up."