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A Mulder Moment
Title:  A Mulder Moment
Author: Fred
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: M/O
Spoilers: Vienen
Rating: R
Beta: Goddess Michele
Disclaimer: Boring but necessary disclaimer: C.C., Fox and 1013 own them, I’m just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
Feedback: Yes, please!! tamiwhynoticp@yahoo.com
Archive:  DITB, others just ask. 
Summary: smutty snippet in the Mark and Allan universe.


 Allan drove his car into the headquarters of the F. B. I., parking lot and crammed his car into a small space.  Getting out, he walked swiftly into the building and stopped at the security desk to ask for directions to Special Agent Fox Mulder’s office.  

 As Allan exited the elevator and walked down the hallway to the small office of the X-Files, a warm smile crossed his lips.  He felt his penis stir in his pants, as he remembered the last time he and Mulder had been together.  True Mark had been with them, but since Mark had died a few months back, Allan had thrown himself into his work even more than before, and the tricks had been few and far between.  When Mulder had called him about needing a lawyer, he had dropped his entire caseload to fly out to Washington.

 The door to the office was open, and Mulder was busy packing a box with his personal effects.  He had on a t-shirt and a pair of faded jeans that hugged his ass like a second skin.  As Allan watched, he picked up a picture and held it to his chest, apparently thinking of a happier time in his life.

 “Going somewhere Agent?” Allan asked as he entered the room.

 “Allan! Hey, thanks for coming down. Yeah, I guess I'm going somewhere-sort of.  I’ve been fired.  I’ve known it was coming for a while and Kersh finally got his wish yesterday.  I have a meeting in few hours with him and A.D. Skinner and that is why I need you.”

 “Fired.  How? Why?”

 “That will all be told in due time.  Right now I want to keep working here.  And I want you to help. Or, would you prefer to just help me pack?” he asked with his trademark grin.

 “I can think of other things I sooner do than help you pack.  It would still require packing but not the boxes.  Interested Mulder?”

 "What do you think?" Mulder walked from behind what used to be his desk, wrapped his arms around Allan and kissed him passionately.   He let his hands run slowly down Allan’s back and let them rest on his round firm butt.  Gently, he squeezed the round mounds and let his tongue snake in and out of Allan’s mouth.  

 Allan fumbled with Mulder’s zipper and button, then placed his fingers in the belt loops of the jeans, gently pulling them down.  Stopping briefly and pulling himself away from Mulder, he walked to the door, closed and locked it.  Turning around he slowly walked back to where Mulder stood and kissed him gently, then suddenly ripped his boxers off.   Mulder’s cock grew harder with the excitement of being man handled.  Allan looked at the growing erection and smiled.  Slowly dropping to his knees, he kissed the tip of his penis.  The gentle touch made it dance and get even harder.  He chuckled at Mulder’s reaction, as he ran his hand over the shaft.  He began to stroke it slowly and Mulder groaned with pleasure, his hips pumping in time with the slow steady stroking.

 With his other hand Allan gently pulled on Mulder’s ball sac, and rolled it around in his hand.  He heard the groans of pleasure and smiled to himself.  When he thought that his lover could hold on no longer, he placed the throbbing penis in his mouth and took him all the way down his throat.  Slowly backing off until it was almost completely out of his mouth, he began a steady rhythm up and down his cock, moving with deliberate slowness guaranteed to drive Mulder right out of his mind.  

 Mulder’s groans grew louder and he steadied himself against the desk.  He felt a finger snake around to his love hole and he gasped as it was plunged in.  With his arm he swept everything off the desk and laid back on it.  His breathing was raspy and a slow growl escaped his lips as the finger started to fuck his hole.  

 Allan stopped sucking Mulder's cock and began to kiss his way up his body.  Taking an erect nipple in his mouth, he nibbled, sucked and kissed it.  Mulder’s hands found the zipper of Allan’s pants; he opened his fly quickly and slipped a hand inside, feeling the ridged erect penis struggling to escape.  Allan stepped back and removed his pants as Mulder wrapped a hand around his member.  Slipping a condom on Mulder’s cock, he drooled on the head of the penis.  Then he crawled onto the desk and on top of Mulder.  He reached behind himself and guided the tip of Mulder's sheathed cock into his love chute.  Both men moaned as more of Mulder’s cock disappeared into Allan.  Allan stopped moving when he had the entire cock inside of himself.

 Leaning forward he kissed Mulder on the nose and lips.  He gently bit the lips of his lover and then righted himself and began to fuck himself.  Mulder let him move at his own pace, aiding him only with gentle strokes to his cock and pinches of his nipples.  Allan felt the cock inside him grow larger as orgasm became imminent, and he steeled himself for a large load of cum to be deposited deep inside him.  Mulder yelped as he shot his load and shivered as the last dribbled out of the head.

 Allan smiled and leaned forward to kiss the panting man beneath him. “That was fun Mulder. Better than packing, wouldn't you say?”

 “It sure was!”

 “Now it is my turn.”  Allan said as he let Mulder's penis slip out of his hole.  He rolled Mulder over and slipped a condom onto his own rock-hard penis.  Mulder tried to protest but stopped as he felt the head slip inside him.  Both men groaned as Allan pushed further inside.  Allan stopped only when he was completely buried inside of Mulder.  After a pause, when he felt Mulder was ready, he began a slow and steady fucking rhythm, pulling almost completely out of Mulder, and then ramming back inside.

 He began to pick up speed as Mulder groaned with pleasure.  Mulder gasped as Allan slapped his cheek.  Then, with one final thrust Allan came deep inside of Mulder, and fell on him.  They lay together until Allan slipped out of Mulder.  

 Both men dressed in silence and Mulder looked at his watch.  “ Time for our meeting, Allan.”  

 “Seems to me, we already met.”  Both men laughed as they left the office and headed to Kersh’s office.   


Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2001 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.