April 14, 2002


I'm tired and nothing important happened this week.

One last hb out to my possum, and hope you get your gift on Monday. Oh, and ___, yeah, I know...

Gettin the last of the box stuff for ___ and ___. I hope they like it, cos I like them :P

The usual ups and downs and political, nonsensical crap that is life at the GLCR. No biggie, but it's nicer when it's not there. Very busy tonight, with lots o cocktails sold, even at the higher cost. Oh, and ___, you dumbfuck, we even had water at the end. So get over your twinkie ass self!!

___ is running for Miss Gay Regina. I guess the old saying's true. If you can't be a mistress, be a miss gay!

___'s slogan for Mr. Gay Regina is Vote ___ for Mr. Gay Regina-two out of three aint bad.

Oh, hey, hi, ___. You're new, welcome to the insanity! Hope you have a nice stay. And remember, I'm never wrong!!

(by the by, between you me and the fencepost, I'm not the only delusional one)

I'm off to Calgary next weekend, which is nice, cos I need a break, short as it will be.

Really not much else to say. Except, ___, it'll always be our little secret *L* And that's just "ducky"!