April 16, 1992

Why are there shitheads in the world? That's what I want to know! Why can't people be like me?!  I mean, ___ beats ___ up-I'd never physically hurt someone-except self-defense
(machine gun their genitals!)
and ___ hurts ___ emotionally-calls him names and shit-I have no urge to do that to my friends, so why should they? And it just galls me that I have to just sit and watch cuz there's nothing I can do-it's so-o-o unfair! And it pisses me off! But, again, that doesn't do anything either!
What a fuck up.
(There's no such thing as gravity, the earth just sucks!!)
Ain't that the truth!!
Imagine being on a beach-knowing you can't swim-and you see someone drowning out too far to reach even if you could wade out into the water. So you run to the lifeguard to save the person, and the lifeguard is just a mannequin sitting in the chair. And then, when you realize that you have to do something-you can't just sit and watch!!-you are buried up to your neck in sand.
And it sucks moose cock, I must say!
Anyway, I have tomorrow off, and I have to clean up my house.