April 22, 2002

Oi, where to start?

Hey, last week was festive. Was freaking out at first, period talk mostly, but a big hug of thanks to ___ for talking me down off the roof, when even just typing hello was making me cry, and the bleach and the blades were sounding sexy in a way that they haven't since I was 18 or some such shit.

Apparently the old saying is true, he who flows heaviest, flows shortest...*L*

So I was done early, but my bod's all fucked up for no apparent reason whatsoever, so I have a doctor's appt to find out what de heck ees going on!! It's a mess, and I mean, it's not like anyone else is likely to see me naked again, oh, let's say EVER, but still, I'd like to look in  a  mirror once in a while and not go OMG Becky, EWWWW! Know what I mean?

Wednesday, oh my god...Johnny Whack off, he of the amazing dick of death in my window, is back--must be spring! I called the cops, and saw him skulking around enough to get a look at his face, so that was a good thing. In the meantime, of course I couldn't sleep, thinking what if he's out there, or something, even though I know he's just a sad creepy man looking for attention, but still. So of course, no sleep for Mich!!

Not to mention the mighty Anthrax-0-gram!!!!!! (that's what Barkley calls it *L*) Wed., before "wandering Willie", I came home and got the mail. Two bills, big surprise, and a card. At first I thought it was a disc a friend of mine was making, then I noticed the US postmark. I figured ___ or ___ and ___, since they are the only folks who have my addy in the US. So, open the card. It's beautiful, by the way, sunflowers. And all it says is -a friend. And there's another envelope in it. My first thought, honestly: "they've sent me anthrax". But no...opened it, and found two fifties--American, and so crisp they looked fake!!!! I've never seen one in real life before. I freaked. I grinned, I cried, I freaked some more!! It was so wierd.

Nearly a week later, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I did the Scooby doo thing, hunted up the clues (there was a big one in the address, despite the girly handwriting) and I'm like 99.,9 percent sure they came from ___ and ___. Even though they both deny it.

Now don't get me wrong. I am in awe of the kind and generous nature of this gift. And I am firmly convinced it was done in just that spirit. But I don't want to be anyone's charity of the month, know what I mean? I'm sure I'm not. But it did tear me a little, you know? And so I think, until I know exactly where I stand emotionally on this, I'll just put them in the binder with the autograph and the disney bucks...unless there's an emergency or something. And do my best to be good to them like they are to me, and by good, I mean they are fucking amazing!!!!!

Calgary's ball!! After bartending Thursday, I slept right through my ride, wound up going with ___ which was cool, despite the no smoking rule. He wore a gold lame sarong at the ball. Hotty McHottstien, mayor of Hottieville! *L*

___,___,___ and ___ stepped down. ___ and ___ stepped up. There were good numbers and bad. Lots of drinks. ___ was super fun and funny, and I sat with ___ for most of the night, ignoring the rest of my court, who are annoying at best, and don't even get me started on at worst... High point of the ball, chatting with a certain possumchile after it!!! I love you, ___!!

Was fun, though. Had coffee with ___ the next day, then home with ___ and ___, who were totally fun. Stopped in Moose Jaw and had coffee and cinnamon buns with ___'s parents, and it was so much like being with my grandparents that I almost cried!!!!

And came home, ___ gave me blinds and a new tea ball,  the kids came over, we watched XF, and they killed ___, ___, and ___. I admit, I got misty. But in my head, they'll always be there. And they're heroes...