Oliver: I'm the rich man's Lindsay Lohan.

Oliver [to Diggle]: You know us billionaire vigilantes, we do love our toys.

Oliver: I'm thinking prison, Burning Man meets Shawshank Redemption. The invite says "come before Oliver Queen gets off."

Oliver: Took down three Vertigo pushers tonight, Diggle. Last one finally knew a name. The Count.
Diggle: The Count. That's worse than The Hood.

Diggle: Woah. That's a neat trick. You gonna teach me that someday?
Oliver: No.

Tommy: Apparently he wants to mend some fences, but thanks to him I can't afford a fence, so I can only assume he has some other agenda.

Oliver: Who are you? Where's my friend Tommy Merlyn? The guy who once rented out a pro football stadium so he could play strip kickball with models.

Thea: I think there should be a national holiday for whoever invented French fries. Or at least a statue in their honor.

Tommy [about Carter Bowen]: Did you know that as a doctor I could diagnose myself as a giant tool?

Laurel: He's not interested in throwing us a fundraiser. What he wants to have is the first annual attempt to get back into my pants.

Moira: If any member of my family so much as gets a paper cut, I will burn your entire world to ashes.

Oliver: I am having a sizeable get together for tomorrow evening and there is a better than likely chance it spills into the outdoor pool.

Thea: I got mad relationship skills bro. Let me know if you need any trendy places to propose.

Diggle: You were born with a platinum spoon in your mouth Queen, what'd you spend five years on an island without room service and suddenly you found religion?
