In 1972 , a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem...if no one else can help...and if you can find them...maybe you can hire...The A- Team.

I love it when a plan comes together.

Hannibal: Now, we can do this the hard was or the easy way. In about a minute, I and my three friends are gonna unleash on you your worst nightmare. You're gonna wish the earth opended up unterneath your feet ans swallowed you whole.
Crazy Tommy T: What's the easy way?
Hannibal: Oh, that was the easy way.

The AOAMS (Association of Angry Mud Suckers)] is not a friendly union. We don't file grievances, we file death reports!

When you're on the jazz,man,you're dangerous!

Face: (after their left wing started releasing smoke and the plane's altitude reader,fuel indicator, compass, and other things started messing up.) Murdock, what's gonna happen?
Murdock: Looks like we're gonna crash.
Face: No, c'mon, really. What's gonna happen?
Murdock: (Their right engine stops) Looks like we're gonna crash... And die.

I'm not nuts, I'm condiments. I've been promoted.

I want you to be my role model, someone I can look up to when the purple wobblies start to wobble.

You know Sarge, I had a cat once, but everytime I tried to give him a bath, the fur stuck to my tongue.

Use your imagination--or you can borrow mine.

You touch one hair on that girl's head and I won't sleep and I won't eat and I will find you. And when I do I will feed your head to flies.

Some of us won't be coming back, but those of us that do, will be back and those of us that don't come back, won't be coming back. Now, I point this out, because if you don't come back, you won't be back and if you do come back, you will be back. Any questions?

Hannibal: Murdock, how'd I let you talk me into this?
Murdock: I don't know, I have intermittent memory loss!

I lie, I cheat, I steal and I just don't get any respect.

Don't smile at me like that! That's not even a smile, it's just a bunch of teeth playing with my mind!

Hannibal: (holds up three fingers) How many fingers am I holding up?
Face: Blue.

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