August 19, 2001:

Picture it: Sicily, 1922...kidding. Must be the head cold making me delirious! Not to mention the fact that I have no way of clearing my sinuses this week, if you know what I mean! Man oh man, sucks to be me. I am exhausted, in all ways possible. I had the longest week in the history of the world, with highs and lows so crazy I was ducking in case ___ was around with a pitcher of grape juice to throw at my head.
___ killed my hard drive. Or ___ did. Or a combination of the two of them. Whatever. It took all week to recover my webpage, not to mention simple things like a Word program, or those hundred plus bookmarks I had on netscape. I'm still looking for pictures, too, and all my sounds. The good news is the A drive works on this new puppy, so I've saved damned near everything!
Then there's the fact that ball is coming up in a few short weeks, and all the expenses, not to mention work, involved with that, from renting a hotel room, to paying for a bottle from some dumb raffle I wasn't even a part of, to working at the bar nearly every night for the next three weeks--well, they say that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and that which does is the basis for a religion--take that for what it's worth.
Work sucks, the boss is an idiot who lives in the store--how creepy is that? And I don't make enough money.
My relationship with ___ just keeps deteriorating, but like I was telling somebody, he's like heroin to me--I know, I know, the shit'll kill ya, but I can't seem to stay away from it. The net is a little like methadone, but it's just not the same. The problem is, just like killer drugs, the highs I sometimes have with him are so good that I feel like everything in the world will be all right, but then the crash after is like puking death, and all I want to do is curl up in a fetal ball at the bottom of the tub with the shower on, eating chicken...(___'s visual image, not my own, but works for me nevertheless)
Speaking of ___, he's been wonderful, as usual. And ___, too, who is amazingly tolerant of this old girl, considering she probably knows that I had a wide-on for ___ at one point. Now it would be a little too incestuous--I have a brotherly love for him I guess.
Don't even get me started on ___. That relationship is a little too bi-polar right now. Miss the time together, miss the trust, then it shows up unexpectedly, and I'm all agog again. Must be the shoulders *L*
Oh, did I mention I got to meet Nicholas Lea this week? (Krycek from the X-Files, in case you didn't know) And how fucking cool was that? He is so nice, and normal, although terminally straight! It was the neatest thing, I may have to set aside a journal entry in the future to tell ya all about it!
Okay, the cramps are killing me, and I have to go get ready for work, so that's the end of this rant. As ___ would say, "of course, that's just my opinion..."