My world, welcome to it!

If you have your bifocals, or a good strong magnifying glass, you might have checked out my message in the ball program for your name--don't lie, we all do it! Whether it was there or not, the eight point font probably made you squint, and we know what that does to eyeliner. Hopefully you quit while you still had vision, and turned to the link in my ball ad instead. Here's the good dirt, lots more names, and of course, in large, colourful, friendly font! Hope you enjoyed Coronation (I bet I did!) and hope you enjoy this message!

"You don't want to forget who your friends are, Agent Mulder; to remember who you can trust."
Walter Skinner, Redux II

Life's too short. That pretty much sums it up. Yes, there will always be drama--we're human. Yes, there will always be gossip; we like to talk; yes, there will always be people who enrich our lives, and people who hurt us, and God knows we're always going to be masters of hurting ourselves. But think about it. Think about how you feel at the end of Coronation, after three days of meeting people, smiling, working together and supporting your community. You know it feels good. Would you rather feel bad, quit, walk away, be angry at people when they don't even know it and all you are doing is hurting yourself? Again, I say, LIFE'S TOO SHORT. You could die tomorrow; we all could. And would you want your last thought to be an angry one? Your last impression to be a malicious one? Love each other. Love yourselves. Today is a gift; that's why they call it the present.

 "Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."
- Oscar Wilde

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever....But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does.

Uh... it's about friendship. I just didn't get it before.
Blair Sandburg, Flight

Horsman, thanks for wanting us to be the "employment choice for the gay community. Call centers are the new gay waiters, you know.
Deb, Todd, Adam, Darcy, Monica, Gwen, Rick, Beaudry, Cassandra, Jamie Karr (and Amber and Walter), Steve, Jenn and Pam, Justin and Adam, Alicia, Fletcher, Gina, Sherry, and everyone who made me feel like I did it right. Thank you! Kara: Ah, the joys of being a flame dame! You do it with grace and style! Donald: I miss you, Uncle-Daddy! Jaimie and Abbie: At the end of the day, it's all about the bacon! Mike, Courtney, Brian  & David: Thank you for sharing your talents with us! Monique/Tripp:Believe in yourself; the rest comes naturally. You're so beautiful, boy or girl, and work so hard, I just know amazing things are in store for you! Leeland,despite the wardrobe and occasional lapses into anime, I still love you, almost as much as cheese and monkeys. Keep your ebola to yourself, and thank you for all the amazing computer help and so much more--you're right, we do look out for one another. Cheyenne: Miss Anne Thropy--great name. How the hell do you fit all that talent into such a pretty little package--thank you for all your help and enthusiasm--you should consider a big crown someday! Heather (Yuvi Rain): Hope you are enjoying the life of a titleholder, and if there's anything I can do for you, just let me know. Alura Mann: Bring it on, we need more queens who know how to work a theme and know all their words! Derek aka Jenny Talia: So much talent! Thank you for doing my last walk music! Please know you can ask me anything, and I'm so looking forward to your continued involvement--you bring so much to the table, it's hard to know where to start! Thank you. Morticia Scarlett, aka Korinne, our first Miss Gen Q:Always be proud of your accomplishments, but don't ever be afraid to ask for help!  I know you are going to do amazing things throughout your life, whether it's on stage or on the phone!

"Your overconfidence is your weakness." ~ Luke
"Your fath in your friends is yours." ~ Emperor
Return of the Jedi

Ryan: Let's get together for a SW geek night sometime! Justin and Adam, thanks so much for coming out to the o/t show. That was super sweet and I hope you had a good time! Scott, wow! Thank you for your generous gift! Cocktails on me on payday! Schmoo: Take care of yourself lady, I love you, you know! Ang: Be happy!
Daniel Delissio: Know that if you support your community, they will support you. I never hated you, regardless of what you might have heard, and I don't judge a man on the action of others. Good luck! Andy Rogenous aka Yada: I just don't see enough of you! Who else gets the eighties anymore? *L* Tara, take care of yourself and know I'm here for you. Thanks for the beautiful loo!
Kerry: Always the man who steps up to do the work! I'm still the luckiest Empress I know, and will always be honoured to call you my Emperor! Clint,you're one of the sweetest guys I've ever met, and Kerry's one damn lucky man! Andrea,thanks for supporting our insanity! And of course, thanks for the Nip/Tuck and all those good Sunday night giggles! Hope you are enjoying your travels and the new career! Thomas: You are always so good to me! I miss our Mondays! Remember, we still have lots to offer our community, and if not us, then who would ever put these little snots in their place? *L* I love you Aunty Anne! Martin:Bacardi Marty, the life of the party! The Bunny to Anne's Bear, and she's lucky to have you! Jason and Whitney,it's like having kids, but with dvds and lemon squares. Whit, you're beautiful, and Jason, you're not ninety *L* Thank you so much for everything you do for me, and for playing (and working!) in the gay sandbox with me as often as you do. And also, zombies.

 "Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods."
- Artistotle

Brent: There never seems enough time! Hope you are doing well and are happy! Jae and Ryan: Ah, the karmic couple! You guys are just amazing in all those every day ways that really matter! Jim and Kim: Your reputation precedes you--in a very good way! Tony and Devine: I miss you guys! Dyna Mite and Wolfgang: You had an amazing year, and exemplify the meaning of hard work! Lonnie: first Coronation I ever attended was yours, and you're still beautiful; thanks for being here! Conrad: Congratulations, hope you are having a blast! Christina Dior: Ah, my sister Ukranian Lady! Way to go on the arts n crafts! Kevin J.: You are just so sweet and talented! Michelle: Brilliant to meet you! I'm glad you got to meet Blanche--ain't she sweet? It's good to know there's someone to put Mitchell in his place if I'm not around--did you know he does dishes too? :) Makayla, always good to see you!

Look, I'm not a perp. I'm your friend.
-Blair Sandburg, The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg

Jeremy,we miss you so much, you big retarded puppy--come back and play again soon! Chad: Ah, Chugar, you still make me laugh!
Tyra: I miss you! Breyanna: Counting ballots is no fun without you, you know! Matt: I wish you nothing but happiness, and miss you lots! Krys: You are amazing! Godiva:Str8 Guy rocks--I'm so happy for you! I'm sad that you're sick and wish you could be here! Ah, but one of these days it'll be shooter time again! Al, you're awesome! Take care of our girl, and she'll take care of you! Jiminy/Raymond, you're an absolute doll. I was honoured to be at your stepdown, and wish like hell we could see more of each other!
Joe: I still want you to move here! Crystal: Hope you are well, and that we see more of you soon (not in the biblical sense though *L*) Cos you're still my favorite Rubinesque lady! Chyna: It's always laffs when you're around! Dion Boink: I'm glad first impressions aren't everything. You are a kind soul and great fun. Thanks for everything! Trixie: Absence does makes the heart grow fonder--who knew? I'm proud of you, my little Speed Diva, my little farmer's wife, but I wish you were here to sleep at me more often. Love you!
Eldon: I understand why you can't be here, and you and your family are in my prayers. Shane,You know I love you, right? I hope this old married lady thing works out just like it should, and I can't wait to drink a toast to the brides in December! Louise and Elaine: Do you have any idea what the Cougar visits do for my community? But more than that, it's what they do for me! You two are amazing (as are the boys you gift with your lives)! See you soon! Neal:I really wish you could be here, but I understand. Not only do you still 'get' me after all these years, you don't bust me for the stuff you don't get, and that's a rare treasure! Cocktails in November for sure! And Buster! you really are the pretty blue bun bun to fold and spindle and mutilate...for the block, Bink.... Bernie,it is so great to have you here! We are the history police, and good or bad, we'll keep the rich history of our community alive for many more years to come! Kricket made a great choice to make Anita Lay her half, Calgary was the right decision for you, and in turn, they are damned lucky to have you--but we know you've got Regina in your heart, and you'll always do us proud! Garett,you are one of the sweetest guys I've ever met, and I can only imagine the fan girl squees if you could have been here tonight.

You've been a great friend and you've pulled me through some pretty weird stuff.
-Jim Ellison, The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg

Sheena and Andrea/Dion and Wylie, co-Entertainers of the Year: You girls are simply amazing! I can even smile about the Harry Potter slash You gave me the greatest number I could have asked for in June, and if you ever need anything, know you can count on me!
Brian M: my outdoor grillsman and favorite lighter thief! We played with the big boys this year, and showed 'em a thing or two. You totally earned your title in every way, and I'm so very very proud of you! You are a classy performer all round, and I hope you know you can ask me for anything--oh, except dates and money, since I don't seem to have either of those *L* ps I was honoured to meet your mom, and so SO proud of you at your stepdown! Now go smoke some dope!
Roxy,you are always flawless, and I hope you know you can call on me--I'm pleased to call you friend! Come work at Star Tek *L*

Oh, you're the best friends anybody ever had.
- Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz

Anastasia,I get it. I might be a pissy ass about it, and I might whine about it, and I might mock you a little (and Calgary alot! *L*) but in the end, you are my friend and I will always have your back. Derrick's damned lucky to have you! Thank you for everything this weekend, and of course, thank you for being a part of Cascade with me for a while. I wish it could be different, but thank you for honouring my command, and know that you will always be the Princess of my heart--in the upper house I wouldn't have anyone else by my side. God bless you--whichever God you're into this month ;).

 You are my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been, and always shall be yours.
- Spock to Kirk, Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan

Mitchell, my Emperor, or Emeror, or hubby, or friend. Anyway you look at it, I love you alot! You've always been an amazing influence in my life (even when you were sneaking into the club underage *L*) and I hope that I can always be here for you, in whatever way you need. I was deeply honoured to be your prince, knowing you were taking a chance on the performance and popularity side of things. I hope you were happy with the result! Now let's go back to the couch, Tom Welling misses you! ps click click click clarky click click chicken!
Kricket/Thane,you are kind and beautiful and you balance that crown like nobody's business. You are amazingly talented, creative and strong, and you don't need to be anyone but yourself, for anyone but yourself, to show it. I love you, your snacks, your cheap shots at Storm, your waistline (eat something, bitch! *L*), your enthusiasm, your generosity and everything else. Now come on, sing: ma-a-a-a-ake me-e-e-e be-e-e-u-u-u-tiful....

"In good times, in bad times I'll be on your side forever more, that's what friends are for."
- Dionne Warwick

Chad, I miss you so much, and think about that part time job at the Piggly Wiggly probably more than I should. I wish we could get together! Always yours, all ways..... Susan, I can't wait to see you again. When I talk about the 'net, I tell people my success story, and you're the star. Miss you! Hug the kitties for me and let's take the Speed Racer Scooter of Peril out again soon!  Laurie, keep smiling, squirrel lady, and thank you for keeping me in the loop, with metaquotes, story recs, tv quotes (there are whole shows that owe their pages to you!) political commentary, or just a friendly hi. It's appreciated!! Jay, June, Lori, Yja, Logan, Kim, Hal, Lightstar, LS, Bev, TS Iconmakers and all the other LJers, listsibs, Facebookers, My Spacers and all round internet family members, thanks for letting me into this world; you all rock!  And you keep me grounded like nobody else can. Special shoutout to the fangirls at Moonridge, thanks for making me part of your world!

"I get by with a little help from my friends."
- John Lennon

Jax, Br'er Bear, I will always love you and someday I hope I can get one of those bug higs in person! You have the most giving heart, and I wish you every happiness in the world!
Mick, I thank God every day for blessing me with such a friend in my life. I pray for you to always be well and happy. You are very much in my heart right now, and my last walk is dedicated to you!

You cannot let this tear apart your friendship.
-Naomi Sandburg, The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg

GBLUR-A force to be reckoned with on campus and off. Thank you for opening your home (aka The Owl) to us every year!
GEN-Q: You guys and girls are amazing!  I wish I had 1/2 your energy. Stay positive and know nothing is impossible!
GLCR-This community is so rare and beautiful, no matter how we might feel after ten beers on a dead Friday night *L* You always come around to taking care of your own, and that kind of dedication is priceless. Thank you, and let's keep working together. Corey, you're something else! Let's keep those coups bloodless! *L*. To all the volunteers, keep up the good work, the GLCR would not exist without you!
PRIDE Inc.-It's hard to convince folks that Pride is not just one week out of the year. You have put on a couple of amazing Pride Weeks now thanks to year long hard work, and I cannot wait for next year! And I'm always happy to write those long boring speeches *L*
PTCS-the hardest working men and women in show business! Uh, gay business... Kim, Ezra, Heather, Justine, Donald, Glen and Marc , the work you do is outstanding, and our community is richer for it. You guys are the best, and I hope that it will be remembered, no matter who's paying the phone bill.
RSAR- such a vital part of our community. I hope each and every person who has ever worked with, backed up or even just played with this group knows how important it is, and how much hard work goes into it. Believe me, every little bit helps, and is appreciated! Bruce, Daniel, Joanne, in many ways you have been the backbone of this organization, coming on board only a few years after Bernie, Sean and I started it, and I hope that you will be mentors as the new members  take their turn to shine as "lifers" too.

"You've got troubles, I've got 'em too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. We'll stick together to see it through cause you've got a friend in me."
- Randy Newman

KUDOS: Anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night. Thanks, you make me feel special; anyone I served at the club who didn't treat me like the help; I may not know your names, but I know what you drink. This does not include anyone who couldn't say please, or anyone who called me a name, or anyone who thought they were better than me; List sibs, LJ friends and online fans, you are my support system and I couldn't do any of it without you; any AT&T customers who actually have read their own bill, read their instruction manual, or NOT purchased a phone for their kid--you can't be for real!; all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence and home town folks who do the same; God Bless you....

 "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
- Martin Luther King Jr.

There's more and more after that, and I'll add names if I remember Monday, when I update the quotes, but remember, if you don't see your name here, buy me a drink and get a mention.
Oh, and one last time, and forever more, Blair Sandburg is the bottom!

"If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend."
- Stone Temple Pilots

 Copyright 2000-07 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.