Home of the Goddess
Home-->Mom, Don't Go Here
Incarnations of the Goddess
Dot's Poetry Corner
Title:  Buddy
Author: Skinner Box
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: M/Fr
Spoilers: none
Rating: PG-13 for post coital dishabille
Beta: none
Disclaimer: The X-files and these characters belong to Chris Carter and Fox Broadcasting.  I play with them out of love and for no profit.
Feedback: Yes, BurrhusFrederic@worldnet.att.net
Archive:  Please ask first, thanks
Summary: Post amor omnia animal... (a drabble and a half).
Note: Thank you to Meir.  And my thanks to Starfish for fine beta and saving the Carter administration from freezer burn.

by Skinner Box

A stubby little naked guy padding around the kitchen is the 
sort of thing you really don't want to see.  Unless you're the reason the stubby guy's naked.

"What'll it be, Mulder?" he says.  Hasn't even opened the fridge yet.

"What've I got?"

"Rocky road, but it's almost gone.  Mint chocolate chip.  And some vanilla from the Carter administration.  With freezer  burn." 

He gets out bowls. 

"Mint's fine.  You finish the rocky road."  For an overnight guest even you can be magnanimous.   You fetch the sticky cartons.

He dishes up and hands you yours.  You pad back to the bedroom together and sprawl against the headboard.  Yeah, you cleared the bed.  Hell, you even dusted it.

Side by side.  Sweat drying.  Other things, too.  Close enough to touch if you wanted.  You lean over and lick a bristly ear.

"What was that for?"

You shrug and smile a secret smile.

The End


Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2001 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.