Home of the Goddess
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Incarnations of the Goddess
Dot's Poetry Corner
Confetti On The Floor
Title:  Confetti On The Floor
Author: Goddess Michele
Date December 24, 2009
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: M/K
Spoilers: If you haven’t seen all the episodes by now, what have you been doing?
Rating: NC17
Beta: I am my own worst beta!
Disclaimer: C.C., Fox and 1013 own them, I’m just borrowing them for fun, not profit, and I promise to return them only slightly bruised, but in that good 'thank you sir and may I have another?' way.
Feedback: Yes, please! starshine24mc@yahoo.com
Archive:  put it wherever you like, including any zines, just leave my name on it.
Summary: It's the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say...
Happy New Year
-ABBA, Happy New Year

Author's Note: The Russian is from http://www.online-translator.com/text_Translation.aspx and http://www.meighan.net/alexander
Author's note 2: I gave Alex his arm back two years ago, and I'm no Indian giver, so enjoy Two!Armed!Krycek-we know Mulder does!
Author's note 3: If you want to see what happened the week before this, go here:
Dedication: For Mick and Jaxon, who will be forever missed.

Alex Krycek was lying on his side in bed, wearing nothing but a dozen bruises, an almost healed burn on his back and a zodiac charm accidentally stolen for him during a jewelry store heist.

Fox Mulder entered the bedroom wearing considerably less, carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. 

Alex found New York’s big ball drop on the TV playing softly in the corner and tossed the remote control onto the bedside table. Then he slid back to make room for the other man and the dark green duvet slipped from where it had been resting pulled up to his waist to sit provocatively across his hips instead. Mulder poured out good red wine and handed him one of the glasses. He remained lying on his side as Mulder sat down next to him, resting his back against the headboard and stretching his long legs out with a groan and a sigh. 

“I hear that,” said Alex, lifting his glass in a mock toast.

Mulder raised his glass. “To Scully being in New York with Doggett’s family,” he said, lips suddenly turning up in a cheeky grin.

Alex smiled back, instantly getting it, “To Skinner getting back to his roots in Texas.” Second-rate glass tinkled inelegantly as their glasses toasted a night with nobody but themselves.

“And last, but certainly not least, to the incredible healing power of man.” Mulder took a sip of the wine and at the same time put his other hand over Krycek’s chest, covering a faded yellow bruise. 

Alex felt no pain there now, just the warmth of Mulder’s hand. He hitched his body up a little higher on the bed so he could reach over to touch the bullet wound on Mulder’s shoulder. The injury wasn’t gone yet, but the bandage over it was much smaller, and Mulder found it didn’t hurt very much at all now.

“Вы испугались ад сбился мне. Слава Богу, ты в порядке.,” * Alex murmured, speaking into the depth of his glass. He looked up as Mulder made a low groaning purring sound, and grinned at the sudden spark of lust he saw in Mulder’s gold-flecked eyes.

Mulder set his glass aside. “I hope that was something filthy,” he said. 

Krycek raised an eyebrow.

“It felt filthy,” Mulder confirmed, sliding down the bed, pushing the duvet away as he did so, revealing his lover’s naked body until just their feet were tangled in the bedding.

Alex handed Mulder his glass and it joined its mate on the bedside table. A moment later, he discovered that the wine tasted better on Mulder’s lips as he slanted his mouth across Krycek’s, and Alex immediately, sloppily, lapped his way in. A needy moan from Mulder made his tongue tingle, and he slipped a hand into Mulder’s hair, tugging softly, but hard enough to make him moan again. It tasted just as good the second time and Alex felt his cock stirring in response.

They slid around the sheets, mouths slickly fused together, trying to find all the places that interlocked on them so well. Mulder untangled his feet from his section of the duvet and pressed them down on Krycek’s. This gave him enough bedroom wrestling leverage to shuffle forward until their shins brushed. Delighted with these results, and not wanting to lose any momentum, he reached out to grasp one of Krycek’s hips.

Alex found his own center of gravity by slinging an arm around Mulder’s neck. Both men were lying on their sides facing each other now, mouths locked together, tongues lapping and dipping, eyes shut, with their bodies inching closer and closer.

Mulder’s eyes opened suddenly when he felt Alex fumbling for his hand with his own. He looked down the length of the arm he had been resting on, saw their hands with fingers just brushing, then closed the gap as he continued his visual tour up Alex’s arm; his beautiful, whole arm.

Alex opened his eyes as Mulder’s mouth pulled away from his own. A noise of protest died half-formed in his throat as he followed Mulder’s gaze to their now joined hands. For a moment neither of them moved beyond the soft stroking interplay of their overlapping fingers and thumbs. And then Alex dragged his look back up to his lover’s face and grinned, half-mocking, half-loving.

“Sap,” he murmured, seeking Mulder’s mouth again. Mulder turned and Krycek wound up kissing the mole on his cheek and wincing at five o’clock shadow.

“Me?” Mulder gave him a disbelieving look that barely masked the glint of humour in his eyes. “I believe you were the one that wanted to hold hands.”

Alex declined to comment, but Mulder saw the pink tinge of embarrassment in his cheeks. He knew that Krycek loved him just as much as he loved Alex back, but it wasn’t often in either one of them to say. And Alex Krycek, tough badass assassin wasn’t about to do anything as wussy as holding his boyfriend’s hand. Just like ace investigator and paranormal genius Fox Mulder in no way would admit to loving to fall asleep in his boyfriend’s arms.

So instead, Mulder swooped in to nibble at Krycek’s ear, then whisper, “I think this sap is going to make you forget your own name before he’s done.”

Krycek groaned and his hips bucked forward of their own volition. Mulder’s hard cock was there to meet him with a parry and a thrust, and the hand still on Alex’s hip dug in to hold him tightly in place. 

Mulder leaned forward, still mapping out Krycek’s ear and the soft skin behind it with his tongue, gently forcing Alex onto his back. At the same time he gave a couple of quick thrusts of his hips, letting his cock slip heavily across Krycek’s.

The deep moan of arousal from Alex as he felt sticky precum being slicked between the two of them was cut off abruptly by a pained shout and a rapid machine gun fire of Russian:

“Ow ow ow! Ой! Чертов ад! Черт возьми, что больно!!”

“Oh, shit!” Belatedly, Mulder realized that he was pressing all his weight down on the burn on Alex’s back, and while the bruising from the explosion of just a week ago had pretty much faded, the burn was going to be a long time healing. C4 had a way of making its presence known. He backed off as if scalded, feeling his erection wilting and watched as Alex turned back onto his side with another smattering of swear words.

“Oh, hell, Alex, I’m sorry! It just felt so good and it’s been way too long and I—“

Krycek put a hand over Mulder’s mouth. “Just…” he panted, “Just gimme a minute…” He puffed air for a moment or two more, and then gave Mulder a pointed look.

“Stop it.” He took his hand from Mulder’s mouth, and instead tugged the other man forward so that they were nose to nose again. His own erection had flagged as well, but that didn’t stop him from throwing a leg over Mulder’s so that his groin was flush with the other man’s. He kissed Mulder hard on the lips. “I know what you’re doing.” He bit at his lips and Mulder made an unmanly noise. “Don’t use me to borrow guilt.” He pushed his tongue deep into Mulder’s mouth before he could reply. And then he found a rocking motion that kept their hips together and despite the pain and the worry, the love and lust were stronger and interest was renewed.

When Alex was satisfied that Mulder was lost in their kiss and his guilt had been filed away for later, and just before he was in danger of losing himself as well, he pulled his mouth away with a satisfying smacking noise, gave Mulder a lusty grin and shoved forward hard.

Mulder felt himself rolling and suddenly there was more hot pressure on his cock as Alex straddled him, still thrusting, their hard cocks creating damp friction as they slipped and slid back and forth over one another. Mulder reached up to pull his lover down onto him, but his hands were caught easily in midair and held tight. Restrained, Mulder’s desire increased, and he made some wordless needy noises, interspersed by the occasional murmur of his lover’s name. He threw his head back and tried to buck his hips up to intensify the sensations on his cock, but Alex held him tight and stroked at his own pace. And then he lifted himself just enough to break the contact between them and Mulder’s eyes, which he didn’t remember closing, flew open with a mewling gasp.

Krycek was still holding his hands and now he waited for Mulder to focus on his face. When their eyes met, Alex smiled again. Not the hard sunny smile of lust from before, but a genuine, loving smile that Mulder knew was for him and him alone. He felt his heart doing stupid girly things that in no way detracted from his overwhelming urge to come.

Slowly Krycek placed Mulder’s hands on his shoulders, still smiling. 

“Just like always, Fox. Now you’ve got my back.” He arched forward and licked the corner of Mulder’s kiss swollen mouth. “Hang on,” he whispered.

And then his weight, the pressure, the heat, all were back as he stroked long and hard, his body undulating over Mulder’s until he wasn’t sure where he started and Alex ended and vice versa. His arms bent at the elbow as Alex moved up and down but he never took them from his lover’s shoulders. He could feel the hard nubs of Alex’s nipples scraping through the hair on his chest and his own nipples peaking in response. He could hear Krycek’s panting breath in his ears as his lover kissed and licked his face, his neck, his ears, and he groaned and gasped back at a higher volume. There was less friction between their legs now, more damp heat and he could feel Alex’s cock quivering and jumping even as his own balls were tightening and he brought his legs up to wrap around Alex’s hips, well away from his burned back. His feet dug into Alex’s buttocks and he rocked in time with the other man’s increasingly jerky movements.

Alex felt Mulder’s fingers digging painfully into his shoulders, and his feet were drumming out some crazy beat on his ass. He looked down into Mulder’s sweaty flushed face and thought he had never seen anything more beautiful. Another thrust and he could feel his balls pulling up. A twist of hips even as he stroked up and back and more precum swirled between them. Just a little more, he thought, just a little more….

Mulder lunged forward and bit into the tender flesh of his neck just to the left of his Adam’s apple, and Alex came with a shout of his lover’s name. And then there was no sound from him, just muscles standing out in stark relief, head thrown back, and aimless thrashing and rutting from all points south.

Mulder was seconds behind him, and he never let go of Krycek’s shoulders.

Some time later, Alex shook himself from an almost doze as he felt what he thought was a t-shirt being thrust between their spent cocks. The haphazard cleaning made his muscles (all of them) twitch as his sensitized skin was given a rough once-over. He discovered quite by accident that he was lying on top of Mulder, using the man’s chest as a pillow apparently.

“I could move,” he offered, starting to slide away.

Mulder chucked the cloth (Alex saw that it was in fact one of his t-shirts, but that would be a discussion for some other time) and then both hands were back on Alex’s shoulders.

“Nope.” He held him firmly, tussled with their legs a bit until he had snagged the duvet with a big toe, and then, while placing soft odd kisses across Alex’s nose and cheeks, he managed to slide the duvet up over them, at least as high as their hips. He didn’t use his hands to pull it up higher. He never let go of Alex’s shoulders.

“You’re good here,” he told Alex. “I’ve got your back.”

“Say it for me,” Alex murmured in reply.

“My Russian sucks,” Mulder pouted. “You said so.”

“I don’t care. Say it anyway.”

“Uh, Ya tebyA lyublyU,” he mumbled.

“S Novym Godom!” Alex replied before peacefully falling asleep.


?? ???????? ?? ?? ????, ????. ????? ???? ?? ? ???????. = You scared the hell out of me, Fox. Thank God you are all right. (Roughly)

ow ow ow! ?????????! ?????????????? ??! ? ???????????! = Ow! Bloody Hell! Dammit that hurts! (Roughly)

Ya tebyA lyublyU = I love you

S Novym Godom = Happy New Year

Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2009 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.