(if you've never seen it, keep an eye out on MTV for reruns--really very funny stuff)

Brittany: What do you think I am - stupid?
Kevin: Wait, are you asking me if I think you're stupid or are you just calling me stupid?

Mr. O'Neill: You know what they say: A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
Jane: Not if you're diabetic.

Quinn: Daria, do you think long-distance relationships work?
Daria: Yeah, maybe you and I should try one.

Kevin: Hey, I don't need to follow rules. I'm rebellant.
Daria: Did he say 'repellant'?
Jane: It seems like he should have, doesn't it?

"Be all that you can be. Or at least try to get up before noon."

"The whole thing's enough to turn your stomach. Which, i guess, is good, if you want to be a model. Eases the transition to bulemia."

"There's no sadder sight on this earth than a football player trying to think."

"Sometimes your shallowness is so thorough it's almost like depth."

"It's the width I find disturbing"

"Merry Christmas Dad... IN HELL!!!"
-Daria's Dad

"All the others are tuckered out laughing at your cowardice"
                -Drill Instructor

"Orphans that need ankle boots"
                -Fashion club member

"Good, my pancreas could use a good workout."

"I've always wanted to sleep upside-down and spread rabies."

"At least if I kiss you my eyes will be closed."

"Cheer cheer cheer, yell yell yell
Why give a damn, we're all going to hell."

"Shallow graves for shallow people."

"What's that funny smell?"
"It wasn't so funny when it happened."

"We could use you're moral support."
"Okay, but the support will be amoral at best..."
