December 17, 2001

Off to Calgary in 3 hours. I am so not ready for this whole Xmas thing, not to mention that I've got a tremendous case of the Xmas blues, meaning I feel like crying all the time, I get nothing done, and I just want to go to bed until February. Sucks all the way round, but I'm hoping the trip will help. I hope ___ comes through with a ride, and then I might have enough money to get through the ten days I'm there. I bartend the day I get back, so money will be fine then, although with ten days off, god knows if I'll be able to cover rent and bills this month. Say a little borderline welfare prayer for me!

Am totally enjoying my relationship with ___. It's very low maintenance, and he makes me feel really special, like I have something so wonderful that people can't help but respond. Don't think that's the case, but it makes me feel good just the same. Did I mention how easy it would be to fall in love? I think it's the height and the glasses thing, but that could just be lust...

___ and ___ say they are never coming back to the club, cos we upped the price of Skyy Vodka by 50cents a shot. Whatever. Christ it's been something like twelve years, and it's still all 'whatever you want, screw everyone else's shit, my shit's more important' (Mallrats-thanks ___) and running away when they don't get their own way. Its sad, really. No one much seemed to notice, but I was busy as hell at the bar that night, my busser sucked ass, and not in that good way, and they pissed me off so I was pretty skanky to everyone all night. Not that most of the idiots noticed, but I found I just couldn't smile my way through it, and that's so not like me. Good thing I'm off on vacation, hey?

Anyway, still gotta bunch to do and the plane won't wait, so I'll hopefully be talking to you next week, if I can figure out how to access my site and do changes on the net itself. I don't think it's all that hard, but we'll see what happens.
