"Remember, the first rule of brainstorming is to openly mock the opinions of others."

DILBERT: What's a mousepad?
WALLY:Feminine protection for mice.

"Do you mind if I use the reflection on your head to do my makeup?"
-Woman talking to Wally, Dilbert

ALICE:"Hey, a sports bra, can I have it?"
WALLY:"So, you're letting them play sports now?"

"Your mother impliments multi-vendor processes without synergy"
  -Dilbert, Dilbert

"I can't see your physical beauty anymore Alice, it's umm...outshined by your professional performance"
-Wally, Dilbert

"Stop whining and start slathering"
-The Boss, Dilbert

"Remember kids, if your parents feel guity; they are guilty."
        -Dogbert, Dilbert

"It's characterized by an aptitude for all things mechanical and electrical, and other social inneptitudes."
-Dilbert, Dilbert

"I don't know where pudding comes from, but I still eat it."
-Wally, Dilbert

"I feel soiled... I mean more than normal."
-Wally, Dilbert
