"My greatest fantasy involves you, some liverloaf and a pack of starving rottweilers."
- Duckman

"Can we run you into the wall so we don't have to smell you when we're watching TV?"

CORNFED: Aversion therapy: by associating pain with a specific pleasure you'll be conditioned not to do it again.
UNKNOWN: I doubt it. He's so damn cute!

DUCKMAN:I'm taking a vacation. Where's my bathing suit with the padded bulge?
FLUFFY:It should be in here.
URANUS:Right next to your foam rubber pectoral enhancer.

"How are you, my dear? I hope that life has treated you better than time has."

"I haven't felt tension like that since I got stuck in an elevator with Pat Buchanan and RuPaul."

"A man must do what his judgement determines is required by the circumstances"

 "If I weren't paralyzed I'd be wearing your sphincter for a shoe"

"Butt bongo ribbed and lubricated for you're enjoyment"

"You've misplaced a bug, a stick, and your head,  but a proctologist can help you find them. "

"Swoon... down I go"

"You've never had sex?  You've never wick wacked Paddy's whack?  You've never sent the pink mustang to lube masters?  You've never taken command from goo master general?  You've never fed the meter?  You've never studied spurtography?  Willebold Fivel???"

"Masticate my hot monkey pogo"

SISTER: I feel like a new woman!
DUCKMAN: Me too, but I'm about ten bucks too short.

"If you let me string you're stratavarius,  I'll let you finger my oboe"
   -Cornfed, Duckman

"No one will cross the Gender Barrier except  registered hermaphrodites"
 -Fluffy and Uranus

"and I have reached the age where most of my waking hours are devoted  to... how can I put this acceptably, working the wiggler"

"Don't make me roll you in flour  and call you a slut biscuit"
