Trip: Grandma taught me never judge a species by its eating habits. ("Broken Bow")

Archer: Come on, Travis, let's find Mister Reed something to blow up. ("Fight or Flight")

Malcolm: They have two settings: stun and kill. It'd be best not to confuse them. ("Broken Bow")

"I suppose the ocean wasn't big enough for him."
-Mr. Reed (talking about Malcolm)

"Damn--dinner and a show!"

"If you want, I can change the colour."

"The bourbon will keep us warm. This is just for mood."

"Do you spend much time with Malcolm?"
-Archer, to Tripp

Captain Archer: Take your Vulcan cynicism and bury it with your repressed emotions.

Captain Archer: [after using a "phase pistol" for the first time] Well, I guess stun works.

Captain Archer: What's the matter? No genetic tricks to keep you from getting knocked on your butt?

Captain Archer: [Eating a piece of cheese while talking to his dog, Porthos]You know that you and cheddar don't get along.

Commander Tucker: I'm gonna have to put you up on report.
Lt. Reed: I saved your life.
Commander Tucker: You disobeyed a direct order.
Lt. Reed: If you put that in my file, it will be years before I am up for a pro...[notices Trip is laughing]
Lt. Reed: You're pulling my leg.
Commander Tucker: [can't stop laughing] Malcolm, you're just so easy.
