"Thumpa-thumpa, yo! Sacrificial, beneficial, nothing here is artificial! Undefiled, unbeguiled, please accept this virgin child! Thumpa-thumpa yo!" -Gumi tribe member, Landstalker

Harold: Funny ideas? Well you mean like skinning you alive with a rusty dull old knife and then grafting your still-warm, wet, glistening, oh-so-soft skin over my crusty rotten gook?
Player Character: Yeah thats exactly what I meant, good call.
Harold: Well you don't have anything to worry about, can't find my knife.
Fallout II


Please note that the makers of the game do not support arson, disco music or other potentially fatal uses of polyester We do not condone the occult, black magick or reunion tours of old rock stars. We prefer warm and fuzzy hugs as a way of reconciling differences, but we understand that no one wants to buy a game about warm fuzzies (unless of course that they are murderous warm fuzzies of death!) Remember, don't play with fire, just play this game. Possession of this game is punishable by death in the city of Cleveland.
-O'Neill and Landis
disclaimer for Burn Baby Burn--A Kobold Ate My Baby Adventure


"Gotta go rescue the paladin from the clerics of Cyric. Be back in an hour."--unknown

"Dude the experience in this game is stupid. Pick a lock. Gain a level! Pick a lock. Gain a level! You could just put two tape recorders next to each other and come back in an hour." -- -Splynncryth

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." -- Rule #12, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

"Collateral Damage Man is not an appropriate name for a super hero." -- #17 in the list of 250 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG

"Not allowed to name my cudgel Ceremonial Whoopass Stick." -- # 73 in the list of 250 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG

"I cannot base my ancient kung fu master on either Gene Simmons or Bluto Blutarski." -- #94 in the list of 250 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG 

Creeping Mold is the girl with the great body but questionable face; it's not the prettiest card, but it certainly gets things done.
- Joe Gagliardi

"(Konrad) had made a loincloth out of (his) own skin." -- Matthew

"Hung like a handkerchief." -- Andy

"Why oh why won't you cooperate? Why must I make you a gory mess?" -- Jaysen to the prisoner he's torturing

"That's the nice thing about being stabbed in the back - suddenly, you're armed." -- Sean to the group

"I'm allergic to being destroyed. I break out in nonexistence." -- Quynn to the group
-From New Blood Old Wounds
an Amber Diceless RPG


"What gas makes little Johnny's balloon rise?"
Trivial Pursuit, Anniversary Edition


"It's more fun than blowing up the Earth for it's own good!"
-Gort (disclaimer on the card game Grave Robbers From Outer Space)


"Your gain causes pain."
MTG: Furious Monk

"Nature's been fired--the ocean's are under new management."
-ambassador Laquatus
MTG: Telekenetic Bonds

"It doesn't need to use its venom. It just needs you to know it can."
-MTG: Toxin Sliver

"It has the strength of seven men. In fact, it used to be seven men."
-MTG:Undead Warchief

"Craghorns experience a wide range of emotions: rage, fury, anger..."
-Foothill Guide
MTG: Crested Craghorn

"The more victims he kills, the more likely he is to get the right one..."
-MTG: Goblin Assassin

"The Goblins tracked the hystrodon with much stealth and cunning. Then  they were eaten with much pain and yelling..."
-MTG: Macetail Hystrodon

"Skirk Ridge has many wonderful things to discover--like escape routes."
-Foothill Guide,
MTG: Ridgetop Raptor

"I treat each day as your last."
-MTG: Skirk Alarmist

"We will start small, I think."
MTG: Thumbscrews

"Good help is hard to dig up."
MTG: Shallow Grave

"Until you have lived as a statue, do not talk to me of pigeons."
-Karn, Sliver Golem
MTG: Xanthic Statue

"There's no such thing as a little bit of lava."
MTG:Liquid Fire

"She'd have a fearsome reputation, if she left any survivors."
MTG: Krosan Avenger

"The car had brakes that could stop on a dime...unfortunately, the dime was in his pocket at the time."
-Vampire, the Masquerade; Getaway Car

"Amazing thing, gravity--it seems to work, every time."
MTG; Razor Pendulum

"Sorry I burned down your village; here's some gold."
-MTG; Reparations

"It is not that you will go mad--it is that you will beg for madness."
MTG;Altar of Dementia

"I don't understand the appeal of keeping these things as pets, unless you want your children eaten."
-General Jarkeld, the Arctic Fox,
-MTG; Pygmy Allosaurus

"Don't look at it! Maybe it will go away!"
-Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician
-MTG; Blinking Spirit

"A mirror, a shield, a promise, a great distance and a kind word--five ways to avoid harm."
-MTG; Pentagram of the Ages

"Twang. You're dead."
-MTG; Crossbow Infantry

"Where psycho meets cyclone."
-MTG; Air Elemental

"Believe in the ideal, not the idol."

"He wastes his amazing talents on proving how amazing he really is."
-MTG; Prodigal Sorcerer

"! Ow!"
-MTG; Orcish Artillery

"No fear. No sense. And soon, no lunch."
-MTG: Nausea

"I'll climb down soon. Don't worry, it's just a thundersto--"
-Former Elvish Scout,
-MTG: Lightning Blast

"It doesn't like having visitors. Unless it's having them for lunch."
-MTG; Horned Turtle

"They've got claws as long as your arm. And they're grouchy. Really, really grouchy."
-MTG; Grizzly Bears

"Practice makes perfect, but obsession makes better."
-MTG; Hint Of Insanity

"Some zombies are natural-reborn leaders."
Magic The Gathering; Zombie Trailblazer

"It's hard to be humble when the whole world is bite-sized."
MTG; Arrogant Wurm

"It knows what makes you tick; it knows how to make the ticking stop."
MTG; Organ Grinder

"The question strained his sanity; the answer snapped it in half."
MTG; Obsessive Search

"It's a slithering, cold menace. I've got to respect that."
-Braids, Dementia Summoner
MTG; Krosan Constrictor

"It adds injury to injury."
MTG; Crackling Club

"Since it only eats carrion, sometimes it needs to make some from scratch."
MTG; Carrion Wurm

"Don't let your mind wander-it might not come back."
-Braids, Dementia Summoner
MTG; Unhinge
