Robin: I am Canadian. Remember? We celebrate Thanksgiving in October.
Ted: Oh right I forgot. You guys are weird and you pronounce the word 'out', 'oot'.
Robin: You guys are the world's leader in hand gun violence; your health care system is bankrupt and your country is deeply divided on almost every important issue.
Ted: Your cops are called 'mounties'.

 Barney: When I get sad I stop being sad and start being awesome instead... true story!

Barney: It's going to be legen...wait for it...and I hope you're not lactose-intolerant 'cause the second half of that word is...DAIRY!

Robin :"Oh, man, I love Springsteen!  He's like the American Bryan Adams!"

Barney: Suit up!

Lily: Hey, nice shirt, Ted. Is it yesterday already?

Marshall: I'm not a gay pirate, I have sex with my parrot all the time!

Marshall: A drumroll? So what? that's it? You just said good night, went home and... performed the drum solo?

Barney: What's that left hand? Right hand suck? Word!

Barney: What's that? Self five? Nice! We out!

Lily: Claudia is getting married tomorrow and so help me God if I catch you even so much as breathing the same air as her I will take those peanuts you're trying to pass off as testicles and I will squeeze them so hard until your eyes pop out and then I'll feed them to you like grapes.
Barney: Wait... my eyes? Or my testicles?
Lily: One of each!
