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Home For The Holidays
Title:  Home For The Holidays
Author: A.B.
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: none
Spoilers: none
Rating: PG?
Beta: none
Disclaimer: Not mine. Not making any money…etc…
Feedback: Yeah, sure
Archive:  Please ask first, thanks
Summary: Written for Maybe Amanda’s X-OK challenge. I think it contains everything it was supposed to except for soy. It’s also a wee bit too long. Sorry....just a little drabble, Byers POV
Okay, it's a little too long and with no beta. If this sucks - I blame it entirely on my flu/fever/cold medicine addled brain. Going back to bed now.

T-minus one hour and counting. Another Lone Gunmen Christmas party is about to begin. I guess we really shouldn’t call it a party since the guest list only consists of two people. Of those two names - only one will show up. It’s a rather pathetic affair really. A couple bags of chips, some store bought cookies and enough tequila to drown a frat house. Later we’ll end up ordering pizza. Pathetic, but we continue this annual tradition for lack of anything better to do. Misery loves company.

Langley and Frohike will return any minute with supplies. They will be arguing about who got stuck with more than their share of the bill. Then they’ll bitch at me because there isn’t enough tinsel on the tree. Tinsel. I hate tinsel. No matter how careful you are it ends up *everywhere*. Months after Christmas you still find strands of the stuff in the strangest places. It’s insidious. I would skip it entirely, but I’m always out voted. I still can’t figure out how decorating the tree became solely my job anyway. They don’t help, but they certainly have plenty to say if it doesn’t meet with their approval. 

I made the mistake of asking for Mulder’s opinion about the tree one year. To which he replied that, being red/green color blind, it was all just ‘shiny gray crap’ to him.  I don't bother asking for his decorating imput anymore.

The ritual is the same every year. Langley, flying on his controlled substance du jour, will go on and on about his last hacking masterpiece. Frohike will recount all the ‘hot babes’ he *almost* had. Mulder will brood until Quervo’s ghost possesses and transforms him into the life of the party. He’s a great storyteller once you get him going. We’ll listen to him to recount his greatest adventures into the wee hours of the morning. They’re good stories, but we’re never quite sure if any of his big fish tales are actually based in fact.

Around three in the morning, when we’re all drunk as skunks, Mulder will let loose with the case that almost crushed him that year. Last time it was a story about this woman, Lucy something or other, the year before it was Scully’s abduction. I don’t remember what it was the year before that, but it always ends with him getting really upset and crying until he finally just passes out. We’re not the best at dealing with that sort of thing and it always makes for some awkward moments over our huevos rancheros the next morning. He will apologize for his outburst with a shrug and mutterings about not swallowing the worm next year and all will be forgiven. 

I expect my role to be the same as always. I will play host and mediator. Make sure every one has a full glass, enough food, and step in when they start fighting for control of the CD player. I will hold Langley’s hair while he gets sick, steer Frohike to his bed at the end of the night, and make sure Mulder has enough Kleenex and a blanket. Before turning in I will tidy up and leave the aspirin bottle out in plain sight for the first person to stumble into the kitchen in the morning. 

It’s certainly not a Norman Rockwell Christmas scene, or even Martha Stewart for that matter. It is, however, my family. Every family has it’s own holiday traditions. Sad as it may seem to some – I’m not sure I’d change ours if I could.


Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2003 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.