Okay, so the rally went well. I never got to the signage making but it was all good nevertheless.

I got a raise! Yay me. Good review despite sucky assessment on the worst training I've ever done in my life. I was golden for three weeks after that, but did anyone see? No, of course not. Well, whatever. Got the raise. Start new hire again on Monday 5 am. Bleah...Three rehires--should be okay. 18 in class according to the booklets Chris left in there. Hope he's organized as Carla was (he's new).

One more month til Indiana Jones--aaahh!!!

Talked to a gal named Debbie on line this week and may have a travel buddy for England. Now just gotta explain to mom why she needs to pay for my ticket. *L*

Mick popped in for a quick note last week and I gotta say, I miss the FUCK outta him. Jaxon too. Dammit all to hell anyway!
Okay, I just had to get that outta my system.

Mitchell needs a place to live before they all drive each other crazy up there!

Aspen was excellent--so good we went again last week. I missed updates--work was crazy, and I was too. Anyway, back on track now. Don't know if anyone will show up for brunch tomorrow, but I'm going to the Ramada.

3 mos. til X-FILES II: I WANT TO BELIEVE  eep!

My beanies arrived in case I didn't tell you and they are amazing--not nekkid yet, but Andrea said she'd help take pics. I have a Sentinel story going into a zine--Warriors 6--watch for it. And signed up to have a Giles story done by June 7. Coolio. And my goal is to finish my XF novel by the movie. July 25. It's good to have deadlines.

Okay, gotta find an icon and then go do my ball ad page. See ya later.