I know, it's a little big for an LJ icon, but I just couldn't resist.

Happy early moms day to all those moms out there. My mom is here, still in a cast from her broken finger, but the ribs have mended--she fell while they were walking in CA somewhere. Boo. The condo isn't quite ready for them so they are sort of living here for a couple weeks. She's going to visa my ticket to England and I'll pay her back. I'm taking her and dad to the Delta tomorrow with Thom and his mom as well ask possibly Kim, Thane and Ryan.

TV night tomorrow, and then I have work on Monday and I absolutely must get that schedule changed. More on that later.

Hi Mick! Hi Jax! Say happy moms day to all the moms in your respective houses for me! Chad, I hope your mom is doing well.

Later, dudes...