Oh yeah, England is getting more and more real, and I'm shit-scared I won't have the money and I'll be sleeping on the streets of London for a week! But I have 50 pounds, a map and a hotel room booked with Deb from Florida in Liverpool. One day at a time, and I see lots of barshifts in my future...

Work is good. I'll be glad to be done with this class. They wear me out. I love 'em, since my attrition is low and their not totally shit-stupid, but some days I want to ring little necks, I swear! At any rate, just two more days, then I get to be the "mentor" for Whit and Exner as they do their first classes. Somehow I know I'm prolly better for it, but I feel ripped off--nobody gave me five weeks of auditing classes, two weeks of certification and a mentor--I got five days and a "welcome to training--logins come later" leap into the fire. Ah, but that which doesn't kill you and all that jazz.

I'm a couple days late but mom and dad were here and I was tired. Yeah, lame, but sue me.

I want a cup of coffee with my big bro.

"Da da DA da, da da da, da da DA DA, da da da da da..." Indiana Jones, tomorrow night!!! And I hear we might get the XF trailer then too! God help me they'll have to squeegee me off the seat!