Happy one day after my birthday. We are going for supper next week to Red Lobster for Whit's birthday and mine kinda at the same time. Thank you Mitchell for setting that up. Thank you Jason and Whit for the mixer, supper and AWFUL dvd *L*. Thank you Brent, Jae, Mom and Dad, Brian, Aunt Caroline for the phone calls. Thank you Thane for the visit and the Black Cherry goodness! Thank you Louise for the funny money and SW card! Thank you mom and dad for the funny money and all the swag to go with it! Thank you Thomas, Martin and Michael for the funny and beautiful e-cards. Thank you Mick for the incredible painting! A HUGE thank you to all the folks on Facebook for the Birthday Cards and wall posts (I was feeling the love, let me tell ya!) Thank you muse for the very well received Giles story, in on time and everything! And even though it wasn't for my birthday, thanks to movie channel for the behind the scenes look at Hairspray, and thank you to the 2008 Pride Committee for the award!