The icon just makes me laugh. Bad news from Rob and family, but lots of prayers going out to them, so here's hopin' it all works out. I'm still saving like mad for England. Payday on Friday, another 100 pounds. These are a little late, but no big since I'm still on nights, and don't have to work til three. Plus, there'll be no sleeping til my feet mellow out--they are like big balloons right now so I have shoes on and am marching around my house trying to get them to be a little less swollen. Bleah on being old and fat, bleah I say! I am totally persona non grata at work right now, pretty weird to go from golden child to red-headed stepchild, but whatever. I think I need to fly under the radar for a while and get some perspective back just on the training. I am an amazing trainer, that's all I'm saying. I understand now why other classes come out like they do.
Had an amazing conversation with Jae this weekend. Lots of "'member when..." which was totally cool. I still need to email Neal--I'm sure he thinks I'm dead or ignoring him--neither is true, I promise.
Brent is here next month, just in time for XFiles *L* July 25, don't forget.
Had supper at Red Lobster on Friday--was awesome. Ate too much, but oh, the biscuits! And watched Madagascar cos Whit got it for her birthday.
Happy Birthday Jen--your card will be there soon!
Bernie might be here this weekend and I need to clean my house.
Going to bed now.