Aw, yeah, it's business time. If you don't know Flight of the Conchords, youtube 'em, or buy the dvd or the cd. They rock. I'm hoping to have FoTC slash up soon.
I'm depressed. Not hang upside down in the kitchen with an axe in my face depressed, just nightshift no money depressed. How can I tell? Sleeping lots, not doing dishes, not doing laundry, not doing updates, not responding to emails. All that shit. Well, just two more weeks.
I can't see how I can afford England, but the ticket's bought, so I have no choice now!
Bernie's coming next week, the show/brunch/bingo last week was super fun. Just two more weeks of nights and then I'm on a day shift. Back to back classes, of course, but then hopefully I can help out the new guys, who, even though Blair is just about down on his knees for Rick, really haven't had much help. Of course, they talk about all the new folks, but only Rick got the special treatment. I may have to talk to Jen about it in HR, cos I'm really unhappy at work right now. This is not a good thing.
I made a torte today and ate 1/2 of it.
My feet are swollen and sore and it's hot in here. It's also one in the morning, so I'll upload and then off to bed. Laundry and brunch in the morning.
Take care, all.