I tried to make the icon a little bigger without making it blurry cos it made me giggle. Got slash indeed. And we do. I wish we could talk slash with Garett in Liverpool, but despite the fact that "honey, duh!" he's so part of the family, it's a no-no. He brought it up last time,though, even though it was just for one comment, so here's hopin'

Brent, I so should have taken you up on that loan. Everything is so expensive and I'm just freaking about it. And it's only 5 weeks away!!!!!! AAAAH Hey, bunny outside of Cardiff, wanna meet somewhere for tea? I'm going to be meeting Lisa in London and that's calmed me down somewhat. Also, no word from jason in Manchester, so that might be an extra four nights ina hostel or something. Dammit. Stonehenge is still on the menu, so that's good. Now I need a suitcase and some clothes to go in it *L*

Hey, cougar weekend was awesome, in an admittedly old lady way. I mean, we went out Saturday for drinks, but there was no crazy dancing show drunkenness. Just good friends and some weirdos talking on the deck, which I love anyway. We compare aches and pains, tell boy stories, dog stories, fish stories *L* We watched alotta tv, some good, some nap-worthy. I worked, we ate junk and didn't feel guilty about it. Brunch was at Aspens and we enjoyed some Shane time--welcome back old friend, you know we love you and want to see more of you.And also Schmoo's cookies...'nuff said. We went to the Hamptons and saw the Ukranian Lady dresses and enjoyed the deck, some dope and some tandoori chicken, of all things. Also, cocktails. I drank decaf and didn't die, and I baked a S'toon pie. Bunny, I wish I could share that with you. You need to come for tea and pie someday, you know. hell, I'll leave the house so you could have pie. I make a mean pie...*L*

Work is awesome again and the only shitty thing is the huge bonus Im NOT getting cos I didn't sign up for Jonesboro--and despite that bitch D. telling everyone I knew, I totally didn't. Hell, if it wasn't for them offering everything to Rick, I never would have known. I saw a photocopy of the offer. So you can see how forthcoming they were. I hear there may be pay performance reviews coming up, which could be cool. Attendance a factor, and I never miss work, so how cool is that? Oh, and then Kim Phillips sucked Darcy's dick to the tune of another 250.00. I think he should buy me something.

Speaking of which, did I tell you I won an ipod nano at work? Wierd, huh? I don't even know what to do with it. *L*

Okay, I promised a certain UK bunny updates on time and I still need to do my dishes, so on that note, I'll leave you with LOVE YOU ALL! SEND POUNDS! *L*
