I can't decide if I had the flu this weekend, or a food hangover (lots of sweets and some salt) or it's just one of those weekends. At any rate, I ate too much and felt like ass all day Sat and most of today. I'm beat, cos I didn't get a nap this afternoon cos Leeland was over but was worth being awake cos Leeland never comes over so that was fun.

Watched 30 Days of Night tonight and wow, was it lame. I mean, the gore was fun, but the plot was never fully developed and the characters went well beyond stupid into the realm of the absurd. It made no sense and the editing was piss poor too. I'd like to read the graphic novel, cos I think it had potential, but maybe in the comic is where it stayed. Only real highpoint of the movie was Josh Harnett's asthma *L*

Freaking as UK gets closer and closer....deep breaths and hoping for the best. Hope to hear from Jason in Manchester or Mick soon. Lisa, these train schedules make no sense and is it really 140.00 each way?!? Gah! I'll email you this week for help!

Not much else to say. Lots of bar shifts coming my way, I hope, and that will help the money situation.
