Kingdom of the Crystal Skull:
Indiana Jones: You're not from around here,
are you?
Agent Irina Spalko: And 'vere' do you think
I am from?
Indiana Jones: Well, judging by the way you're
sinking your teeth into those 'wubble-yous', I'd say Eastern Ukraine.
Mutt Williams: You know, for an old man you
ain't bad in a fight. What are you, like 80?
Mutt Williams: Get on, Gramps!
Indiana Jones: That can't be good. That can't be good at all.
Indiana Jones: Oh, Marion, you had to go and
get yourself kidnapped.
Marion Ravenwood: Not like you did any better.
Indiana Jones: Same old, same old.
Mutt Williams: Grab the snake!
Indiana Jones: Stop calling it that! Call
it something else!
Mutt Williams: Like what?
Indiana Jones: A rope! Call it a rope!
Mutt Williams, Marion Ravenwood: Grab the
Indiana Jones: Damn, I thought that was closer!
Mutt Williams: What's he gonna do now?
Marion Ravenwood: I don't think he plans
that far ahead.
Indiana Jones: I'd cover my ears if I were
Mutt Williams: You're a *teacher*?
Indiana Jones: Part time.
Last Crusade:
Indiana Jones: Come on, dad. Help me get us
out of here. We have to get to Marcus before the Nazis do.
Professor Henry Jones: But you said he had
a two day head start. That he would blend in, disappear.
Indiana Jones: Are you kidding? I made all
that up. You know Marcus. He once got lost in his own museum.
Indiana Jones: What you taught me was that
I was less important to you
than people who had been dead for five hundred
years in another country.
And I learned it so well that we've hardly
spoken for twenty years.
Professor Henry Jones: You left just when
you were becoming interesting.
Grail Knight: He chose poorly.
Elsa: What's this?
Indiana Jones: Ark of the Covenant.
Elsa: Are you sure?
Indiana Jones: Pretty sure.
Indiana Jones: Sallah, I said *no* camels. That's *five* camels. Can't you count?
Walter Donovan: Germany has declared war on the Jones boys.
Indiana Jones: Nazis…I hate these guys!
Professor Henry Jones: We named the dog Indiana.
Indiana Jones: How did you know she
was a Nazi?
Professor Henry Jones: She talks in
her sleep.
Professor Henry Jones: They’re shooting
at us!
Indiana Jones: : I know Dad!
Professor Henry Jones: This is
a new experience for me!
Indiana Jones: It happens to me all
the time.
Professor Henry Jones: Our situation has not improved.
Professor Henry Jones: I’m as human
as the next man.
Indiana Jones: I WAS the next man!
Indiana Jones: Dad?
Professor Henry Jones: What?
Indiana Jones: Dad!
Professor Henry Jones: What?
Indiana Jones: DAD!
Professor Henry Jones: WHAT???
Indiana Jones: Head for the fireplace!
Temple of Doom:
Indiana Jones: The biggest trouble with her is the noise.
Willie: We’re surrounded. The entire place
is crawling with living things.
Indiana Jones: That’s why they call it the
jungle, sweetheart.
Chattar Lal: Dr Jones, wasn't it the Sultan
of Madagascar who threatened to
cut off your head if you ever returned to
his country?
Indiana Jones: No, it wasn't my head.
Chattar Lal: Then your hands, perhaps?
Indiana Jones: No, it wasn't my hands. It
was my... .
[looks down]
Indiana Jones: My misunderstanding.
Indiana Jones: Are you trying to develop a sense of humor or am I going deaf?
Indiana Jones: Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
Short Round: No time for love, Dr. Jones!
Short Round: Hang on lady, we go for ride!
Short Round: Hey! You cheat, Doctor Jones! You cheat! You took four cards! I am very little, you cheat very big!
Short Round: You say to stand against the wall! I listen to what you say! Not my fault! Not my fault!
Short Round: Feels like I step on fortune cookie.
Willie: There are two dead people in here!
Indiana Jones: There's gonna be two dead
people in here! Hurry!
Willie: I hate the water…and i hate getting
wet…and i hate YOU!
Indiana Jones: Good!
Short Round: I keep telling you, you listen
to me more, you live longer!
Raiders of the Lost Ark:
Indiana Jones: You want to talk to God? Let’s go see him together, I’ve got nothing better to do
Indiana Jones: It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage.
Sallah: Asps. Very dangerous. You go first.
Indiana Jones: Why’d it have to be snakes?
Toht: You Americans, you're all the same. Always overdressing for the wrong occasions.
Maj. Eaton: Good God!
Brody: Yes, that's just what the Hebrews
Marion: Well, Jones, at least you haven't forgotten how to show a lady a good time.
Sallah: Oh, my friends. I'm so pleased you're not dead.
Indiana Jones: Bad dates.
Indiana Jones: Do we need the monkey?
Marion: I'm surprised at you. Talking that
way about our baby. He's got your looks, too.
Indiana Jones: And your brains.
Maj. Eaton: We have top men working on it
right now.
Indiana Jones: Who?!
Maj. Eaton: Top…men.
Sapito: You throw me the idol, I throw you the whip!”
Marion: He said you were a bum.
Indiana Jones: Aw, he's being generous.
Marion: The most gifted bum he ever trained.
You know, he loved you like a son. Took a
hell of a lot for you to alienate him.
Indiana Jones: Not much, just you.
Indiana Jones: I’m going after that
Sallah: How?
Indiana Jones: I dunno, I’m making
this up as I go.