My world, welcome to it!


If you were at Investitures 2006 and found my site because I mentioned it there, then there may be a message here for you. Or if you just hang out here and stumbled across this page by accident, that's cool too!

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever.... But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does. (I kid. I kid because I kid...)

Sheena and Andrea, co-Entertainers of the Year: You girls are simply amazing! I can even smile about the Harry Potter slash *L* If you need anything, let me know--you've already got the entertaining part down pat, and I know your year will be memorable!
Brian M: my outdoor grillsman! You're going to be great--trust me on this one. Remember to just take a deep breath and that step back. As they say NOT AT A FUNCTION! Take the chances you're given, and try not to sabotage yourself; you really are a good person.
Roxy, Great food, honey! Hope you had lots of fun, and I won't tell anyone you put your shoes on the brunch plates if you don't!
Dorian/Anastasia I hope the Sentinel stuff doesn't wear off too soon, cos I love you a lot, and not in that nasty decoupage way! You truly are a Princess, and it's my honour to be on your arm this year!  I'll be sure to get that coupon book to you soon! Just, you know, thanks! I think we're going to have great fun...or at least great food! There's nobody else I'd share a mystical convergence with *L* Hope Derrick knows he's a lucky guy!.
Empress Kricket/Thane, you are kind and beautiful and you balance that crown like nobody's business. Remember, we'll all help! And if you want your Emperor to do anything, I'll make him! *L*You are amazingly talented, creative and strong, and you don't need to be anyone but yourself, for anyone but yourself, to show it. I love you, your crackers, your cheap shots at Storm, your waistline (eat something, bitch! *L*), your enthusiasm, your generosity and everything else.
Emperor Mitchell,  I know your heart is in your community, and I hope no one ever denies you the satisfaction of all the work you do for us. What else can I say? I love you. I hope you know you'll always have a home in my heart and in my living room, thank God everything worked out as it did (didn't I tell you it would?) cos I've got garbage to take out and light bulbs that need changing! See you soon for order #96! 

Neal, holy crap!! Thank you for being here for me on so many levels! Wow! And now, let the insanity begin! *L* Buster! you really are the pretty blue bun bun to fold and spindle and mutilate...for the block, Bink....
Bernie, it was so great to have you here! But all that reminiscing--are we turning into grandparents? *L* Kricket made a great choice to make Anita Lay her half, Calgary was the right decision for you, and in turn, they are lucky to have you. but we know you've got Regina in your heart, and you'll always do us proud!
Makayla (did I spell that right?) You were wonderful--remember, what happens in the living room stays in the living room! No judging!
Jason, Whitney, it's like having kids, but with dvds and lemon squares. Thank you so much for all your hard work--Mitchell couldn't ask for a better personal prince and princess!  I love you both so much!
Thomas, Mrs. Partridge! You always ALWAYS make me smile! We're not really that old, are we? We will always be thin and gorgeous *L* I love you so much! Thank you for Mondays, I miss them already and it's only been two! You keep me sane--how weird is that?!
Martin,our own Regina bunny! Let's get drunk and dish about our Anne lots! 'Bacardi Marty' needs to come out to play again!
Kerry...where do I start? The fourth year you were so there for me--I couldn't have done it without you, and you know it. And then you walked right into the fifth year and did more for the Court than anyone I know. Every bit of that year was a direct result of your hard work, and I hope everyone knows it! Thanks for stepping in yet again to do the hard work!
Clint, you're one of the sweetest guys I've ever met, and Kerry's one damn lucky man!
Monique/Tripp: Believe in yourself; the rest comes naturally. You're so beautiful, boy or girl, and work so hard, I just know amazing things are in store for you! Thank you so much for all the hard work at brunch.
Shane, You know I love you, right? I hope this Philly thing works out just like it should. Thanks for hosting brunch, and if you're still here in June, I've got a job for you!
Andrea, thanks for always supporting our insanity! And of course, thanks for the Nip/Tuck and all those good Sunday night giggles! And...take two...ACTION!
Leeland, Jeremy, Scott, Pat, Kim--we couldn't have pulled off brunch without you! Thank you so so much! Happy birthday, Leeland!!
Jax, Br'er Bear, I will always love you and someday I hope I can get one of those bug higs in person!
Mick, I thank God every day for blessing me with such a friend in my life. I pray for you to always be well and happy. You really do have crazy ways and million dollar charm...

KUDOS: anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night. Thanks, you make me feel special; anyone I served at the club who didn't treat me like the help; I may not know your names, but I know what you drink. This does not include anyone who couldn't say please, or anyone who called me a name, or anyone who thought they were better than me; List sibs, LJ friends and online fans, you are my support system and I couldn't do it without you; any Cingular customers who actually have read their own bill, read their instruction manual, or NOT purchased a phone for their kid; all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence and home town folks who do the same....

There's more and more after that, but remember, if you don't see your name here, buy me a drink and get a mention. Oh, and Blair Sandburg tops....from the bottom!

 Copyright 2000-06 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.