January 1, 2001

This entry is for all those people who are distressed that their personal pecadillos(is that the word I want?) haven't been posted here, as well as for those kids who like to play insert name here, and don't know who the hell I was hanging out with more than six months ago.

Wow! Last night was so fun!  New Year's Eve at the club, and, frankly, it was all about me, not ___.
First things first.  ___ and ___ weren't there, they had a wedding to go to, which was all right.  Apparently I am secure in the knowledge that even though the year is changing, and CHANGE IS BAD, I will still have the same friends that I had the night before, even if I don't see them that day.  Must be the therapy working.

___ is constantly looking for his name here, and apparently, this is the only thing he reads, so, Hi, ___. Wish we could have spent more time together, but it's all about Perkins at the end of January.  You'll also be happy to know that I went for a buffet this morning, and had two plates!
(A word about buffets-they are best utilized in conjunction with a major eating disorder, that way you know you are getting your money's worth.  I did have Callebaut chocolate, though, so I guess I can justify the cost.)

It wasn't super busy or anything, but they did drink, and they did tip, and, frankly, I am a super and fabulous drag queen! *L* We did a little show that went over very well, 'specially me! I actually had someone throw a tip at me from the catwalk. Although, ___'s intro didn't hurt, and couple that with the fact that everyone knows me, no one is threatened by me, and the song I did had it's own laugh track, and it's all good.

I was bussing.  ___ worked very hard, which made my life a little easier.  Did I mention that ___ was paging Dr. Roxy almost all night. We still made good tips, but I think we would have done better if she hadn't been slamming down people's drinks and just generally being miserable.  Don't know why, but, frankly, don't much care. Not my issue.

Everyone looked pretty good, even the welfare people who found the buffet downstairs, and spent all night there, just grazing and filling their plastic lined purses.

___ did the decorating, went over budget, and, frankly, he made the lounge look like Enchantment Under the Sea, or something from Carrie.  I kept ducking away from that bucket of pig's blood that I knew was coming my way any second now.  He and whoever he does these days wore matching sweaters that might have been cute if it hadn't been so terribly sad...

___ looked just a little too good for my neurosis.  Most of the time he was channeling some BBC thing, but then, in just the right light, all of a sudden, he was ___, and that is not a good thing-all very Requiem and Signs and Wonders.  I mean, it is, but, well, I just don't have that much time to be devoting to self love with that pic in my mind, if you know what I mean!  Between that and ___ being just needy enough during that last bottle of champagne, it's amazing that I'm still standing! Aah, battery-boy!  And that shirt is going to make my mother mental-I can hardly wait!!

___ and ___ both did drag.  The shawl was too fabulous!! Again with the prom theme, them and a few others.  Or maybe it just felt prommy because that's what I equate formal wear with.  Is prommy a word?  Is now.

___ is back and still thinking he's the cutest little trick in shoe leather, as ___ would say, and still going on about how we are both older than dirt and must be contemptuous of all things young and cute, even though he wants to be one and I want to do one. But he gave us good tips, so who am I to judge?  He's still stalking ___, in that cheesy Night at the Roxbury way, which would be cute if it wasn't just a little too creepy.

So, good money, good show, good friends, eek, it's starting to sound like a commercial, or something...But I really did have fun, and my last word on the subject is ___ GOT LAID!!