Approximately late March, 1996

His hands-wow-here we go: "ODE TO ___'S HANDS"
The backs of his hands are little boy's hands.  Soft, short fingers; his cuticles are a mess, and it looks like he bites his nails, tho he says he doesn't. But they just scream, "Hi, I'm 12!" But then you turn them over, and you get callouses, scars and lines (construction work). Old man's hands! Really rough.  It's amazing, the way they feel, I guess because I have no frame of reference for rough hands.  But it's like a cat's tongue-rough, but not unpleasurable.  And the emotional feelings in them-maybe I read too much into this, but it's like his hands are symbolic of his inner self-all the emotional scars that he has buried are manifest in his hands.  It's a grand juxtoposition with the rest of him.  A lot of his power is in his hands, too.  He's not a big holding hands in the mall type, but he can radiate power without touch-it's very odd.
He can give off a lot of heat just by being intense and not just from physical exertion.  It's almost supernatural.