Apple, Apple,
Orange, Orange,

Apple, Apple,
Orange, Orange,

Tart, space, space,
Tart, space, space,

Snapple, space,
Snapple, space,

Snapple, Snapple, Snapple


(part the second)

A single Chocolate Mousse

A dessert
deserted by his peers
serving a solitary sentence
in a lonely cell
until such time
as someone pays the price
for his release.

Life is tough in the Big House
the transparent fourth wall
of his temporary home
lets an audience bear witness
to the tragic play
that is his shelf life

A container
in a container

A private hell
with just a plastic spoon
for company.

Not much for conversation, really.

(part the third)

Aged buttertarts
put on parade
like whores.

Their transparent clothing
and transparent promises
a lure for those with money
and poor judgement.

Temporary satisfaction
for disgusting appetites
which will later venture home
to a faithful, unsuspecting dinner.

"I guess I'm just not hungry tonight"


Atlanta 96

NBC says
the Olympics
are "America's Games"
I say
they can
go fuck themselves.


From the Lab Caf. to College West

The hallway reeks like sugary piss
and the Button-hat girl speaks of the secret language of seagulls
to a (patient?) contemporary

dull sunlight hurts my eyes
filtered through clouds and glass
dull light
stabbing pain
a quickened pace
and a determined look
should whisk me away from
dull light
and duller sounds

of how seagulls tell each other
there's fish to be had.

[This last one is an ode to a dessert they used to have at Roca Jack's,
which left with whatever staff member made them a couple of months after I wrote this. It was probably karmic fallout from the quality of thispoem.]

Moist and Tasty Turtle Square

Moist and Tasty Turtle Square
Two quarters and a Buck
Last time they didn't have a piece,
This time I had more luck.

Chocolate icing, nuts and caramel
Alternate with chocolate cake
A cubic metre would be swell
(excepting for the stomach ache)

You're the greatest, Turtle Square
you beat those cookie-things with toffee
With only two bucks to my name,
I chose to choose you over coffee.