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Jocks and Geeks part 2
Title:  Jocks and Geeks, Part 2 - Love in boxers, heartbreak in a jockstrap.
Author: Wulfster
Fandom: The Lone Gunmen 
Pairing: Byers/Bond
Spoilers: other than my fermented mind, none
Rating: PG-25
Beta: Goddess Michele
Disclaimer: the usual I don't own this, I'm just corrupting fictional characters the shmoopiest way I know how. Chris Carter, 1013, etc, etc.
Feedback: wulfster@hotmail.com
Archive:  sure!
Summary: Uhm... continuing from Part 1... the geek is scared and the jock is bewildered


Another day, another... well, almost a dollar…

John woke up, and slipped out from under Jimmy's prone form. He walked out towards the bathroom door, turning back for just a moment to look at Bond's peacefully slumbering form. He gazed longingly at the other man, his eyes tracing the outlines of a muscled torso hidden under a white t-shirt, anticipating the moment when he would see it, bare to the skin, sweat glistening as some seemingly improbable sexual act was performed.

Even in the early morning heat, John shivered.

In the bathroom, he grabbed a towel and turned on the water. Extra cold.


Fortunately, it was a Saturday, and no explanations for the already faded bruise on Byers forehead had to be made. A shower and a tense breakfast filled with hesitant conversation left both John and Jimmy staring at the ceiling and the floor, respectively.

An offer by Jimmy to go get coffee at a nearby Starbucks was rather enthusiastically greeted by both of them, and soon John was left alone, sitting on the couch, staring out the window, hurt in his eyes, and confusion in his soul.


Jimmy stared helplessly at the Starbucks menu, bewildered both by the selection, and the hundred other non-coffee related thoughts running through what was definitely a ten-thought-maximum brain.

'Why was he so quiet? What's going on? He's a smart guy; he must like fancy coffee. Why didn't I ask what he wanted? Oh, god, I'm going to screw this up, I just know it... Is he straight? What's happening?'

"Thanks for waiting, sir, can I help you?"


John started helplessly at the Starbucks sign, barely visible down the street. His brain was operating at a much faster capacity, and unfortunately, he knew what was happening.

When Jimmy first awoke, Byers had begun to make breakfast, thinking some food might take the edge off the situation. But his good morning smile faded when he saw the not-so-happy face of Jimmy stumbling to the bathroom, and the fear began. The memories...

"I don't wanna hear it John..."

"But Matt..."

"I don't give a fuck, John, I don't want to hear this shit about you... it's sick, it's wrong..."


A day later, the high school football team captain came back and apologized to the head of the computer club, and most of the damage was repaired... Matt didn't mean most of the stuff he said at the time, and a stern lecture from his girlfriend cleared up the rest. They even hugged, but John Byers would always remember that his first true love had been denied to him. And oh, god, the look in his eyes...John had indeed feared for his life in that moment. And that had kept him from telling others, kept his secret even closer to his heart.


Five minutes, and two mochachinos later, Jimmy stared up at his apartment window, thinking his own just slightly less maudlin thoughts, and wondering how well he'd be received in his own home. He feared a cold reception, and wondered if he had made a mistake... perhaps Byers was confused by the hit to the head and now Jimmy had revealed his feelings. Or maybe...

"Damnit," Jimmy muttered to himself "I'm not smart enough for this shit..."

He fumbled for his keys, and opened the door to his building,

'Maybe, just maybe,' he thought to himself.


"Oh, hey, a mocha. My favorite..."

Inside, Jimmy sighed in relief. That's one problem solved, he thought. He took a deep breath.

"So, uh, about..."

"Yeah, uh..."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't..."

"No, it's..."

"No, no, it's my fault, I mean I fell on you, and you probably didn't know what was happening, and my god, how stupid am I..."

"Wait, Jimmy..."


"You wanted... I mean... what happened last night... er... I mean...shit!" A pause. "I have no complaints about what happened. Aside from the goose egg on my forehead, that is."

"Then you're okay with that…with this?"

Byers risked a small smile. "Uh, yeah." But there was a hesitant note in his voice that Jimmy noticed immediately

"So... what's wrong?"

"Jimmy... do you really want to know?"

Jimmy set his mocha down on the table and stepped closer to John. Byers flinched slightly as one hand came to rest on his shoulder.

"Yes, I want to know. I'm not smart enough to figure it out on my own, and I admit it. Just tell me"

When the first tears appeared in the reserved man's eyes, Jimmy grabbed Byers in a rough embrace, and held him tight as, through a tear-choked voice, Byers spun a tale of unrequited love, with an overlying theme of rejection and fear.


Like all stories, true or false, John's eventually came to an end. The tears subsided in Jimmy's embrace, an embrace that felt more warm and secure than anything else John could remember ever had.

And the most fitting epilogue was whispered in his ear a moment later.

"His name was Jeff. He was the smartest man I knew before you, and he hurt me, too, just like your football captain hurt you. It's been long enough for both of us, John... let me be your jock, let me fill that void. Just promise me you'll fill that empty geek space in my life in return."


"I need you, John. Please, need me."

John Byers looked up. And sealed the promise with a kiss that fused the first spark of love in their hearts.


Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2001 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.