I'm desperately in love with this little clipof Owen shooting Ianto (almost) with the singularity scalpel, but unfortunaely, it won't save as a gif on here, and so won't play and I have no idea why. If you want to see it, email me and I'll send it to you--you have to open it in html and then it works. It's very funny. So, in the meantime, this:

class starts Monday. Are you nervous? I'm nervous. Turns out all those questions I had that were answered with "we have everything you need" were a waste of breath on my part cos I don't even know if I'll have markers tomorrow. I have to say, though, that it's not the center so much as the culture. A kind word is laid back, like Jamaica. Other words come to mind though--words like indecisive and unorganized....as you can imagine, I'm reacting as well as I always do to that sort of thing.

I need to do my financials this week--I haven't been tracking expenses like I normally do and have been out for groceries twice, going over the prerequisite 30/day budget. So I need to make sure I get that all sorted so everything is balancing and all. And I need to check my accounts and credit card and also find out about any bills that have come in. Rent should come out tomorrow and then I'll know better what money I have. If I continue to talk myself out of new shoes cos I'm a cheap bitch *L* I will take part of my January bonus and use it to buy some converse, I think. Also, need to do my nails and some laundry tomorrow. Ooh, isn't life in the Philippines exotic? *L*

Things of note: we bought groceries today and caught a cab from SM Makati (SM stands for Shoe Mart, in case you were wondering *L*) and he not only either faked no English, but had no English, and took us all over the fuckin' place until I was the one giving directions, if you can believe it. The cab to SM didn't turn on his meter so I just gave him what we paid last time (60 pesos, about 2 bucks but that included a 20 peso tip) and this guy wound up charging us 80 pesos--no fucking tip for him. He was awful. Not helpful at all. Unlike the TWO bagboys I had at SM, one to empty my cart and one to bag everything--how sweet is that. Some things here are totally spoiling us. We also did a bus tour today and saw a few sites and stopped in three different placesl Cemetery, park and church. More on that in facebook when I update the pics there. Suffice to say it was very cool and I don't feel bad about not indulging in the fish wallet love *L*

Well, I think I need a nap and then in three hours will get up to do laundry. So take care, all my frozen friends back home, and it's just six more weeks!