Greetings, pals and gals! Welcome to yet another week in PHI.
Okay, so you probably want to know about the class. Well, it's good. In that the agents are brilliant, even if the organizational skills of the center are not. I can mostly get what I need if I bitch loudly enough and to everyone. But things that I'm used to having are few and far between. And don't even get Whit and I started on the copiers. They have this "paperless environment" theory going on which is swell, but totally impractical in training. Fine for the floor, but hello! My people need worksheets and handouts and all that stuff, so get us paper, the right size (who ever even heard of 8.5x13 yeesh) and printers that work.
Whew, okay. So we donated money and gifts to the local children's hospital for Christmas, and some of our gang went there to give out the goodies on Saturday. Not something I have the right kind of empathy for, so I ditched. Apparently it changed their worlds--or at least some of them. So we did something good, and maybe lost a little US selfishness along the way. Speaking of selfish, the upper echelon is supposed to all be in this week so I may have observers in class. Note to self: explain to class how they can make me look amazing *LOL
We went to 168 yesterday. 168 is the discount market where Greenhills gets their stuff, so even cheaper. I got trainers, a new purse, a gift for a friend back home and some pulleys for my class. Also, a fruit called longun (sp?) that tastes a little like grapes. Yummy stuff. Was fun, and even though we weren't the center of the universe, we hung out with Brandon and Rose (local) took very good care of us--way easy to get lost in row after row of stalls, many of them looking all the same. Lots of jewelry, even crowns, lots of purses and watches--I almost bought a Gucci, but decided against it at the last minute. Also, three stores of nothing but Hello Kitty. Not sure what that says about the planet, but nothing good, I'm sure. Also, Kyle XY and Dr Who.
Got a new dvd player in my room as mine punked out.
The laptop is giving me grief, so I'm waiting to hear back from Wayne about it. Going to try and get a computer from work as well. Hopefully this one :)
Today is laundry and breakfast and maybe Glorietta (mall) where there's a tubbys store, to try and find clothes for fluffy girls *L* Whit was sick on Saturday so didn't make it to Hard Rock--maybe this weekend.
So, that's about all for today. Hope everyone back home is staying warm, and hey, we're at the half way point!