I totally haven't updated properly in ages. Too lazy/tired/dunno what. Am two weeks away from home now and feeling it. Don't know what would happen if they asked me to stay. It's more work, for sure, but...I don't think they will, though. At any rate, I'm not losing sleep over it.
Recently, we got our pizza party sorted for our classes, Whit and I, and Startek will pay for it, and Seset will order it, so that's good. My class is doing very well, so I'm also happy about that. We, again, Whit and my class, are seeing about renting as room at a resort on Saturday for drinks and food and swimming and video karaoke. Seset is coming to watch tomorrow she says, though she's said that before and never shown up. We'll see what happens. It's music and video, so stuff I know really well. Makes it easy to present.
Just went to the beach this weekend. We went to Puerto Galera with some of Cornell's class and some of the Mansfield and Collinsville crew. I had an amazing time. Was tired when we got there as we left right from work and caught a cab, a jeepney and another cab to the bus then rode the bus to the boat and it seemed to take forever. Clark from here took good care of Whit and I, calling us his angels all weekend *L* He's a great kid. Got a bit of an Australian accent, which flavored with Filipino is just bizarre. At any rate, he carried my bag all over the place and was totally helpful keeping us from getting all shang haid in the seedier parts of Manila. And cute, but young.
The beach was gorgeous and after leaving the first resort, which was sketchy, we stayed at a beautiful resort with a balcony and a great restaurant that took our cards. Their pork adobo was delightful. I must say that I am exceptionally proud to be a Canadian and I think we should make our "pearl lady" an honorary Canadian, on account of her behaviour compared to some other people.
ps you know whos: it's a third world country, idiots, and you ought to be fucking grateful for the kindness of strangers--they could stick you on a street corner and make you aks some stranger for a ride home, so smarten up! ps I'm takin' it back!
Okay, that's outta my system. They have vendors there constantly trying to sell you shit, from boat rides, and big model sailboats to guitars and pearls and woven baskets and bracelets. I got very good at saying no, so much that when the others bought pearls from them, it got to apoint that when I was by myself, they'd ask where my friends were.
I wrote my first full TW story, complete--which I'll get posted asap--prolly after some sleep--while sitting on the beach drinking banana milkshakes. Jesus, why can't I just live that life? At any rate, got a little sun, but it was gorgeous and not too terrible hot--cool sea breeze and all that. I could taste the salt on my lips from the boat ride.
Walked in the surf and saw a crab--it was alive--but no shells. Whit found some pretty rocks and swam some. We crashed after sunset which of course was spectacular, so missed the fire dance and the drag show, which sucks, but it was a brilliant time anyway. We shopped alot--pasalubong! That's souvenirs for other people. I got some sand for Louise and some bracelets and keychains for my class. Plus stuff to take home for other folks. The ladies bought lots of pearls.
Alicia gets here today and we're going to take her to Bubba Gumps and Market Market.
ps Bubba Gumps is amazing! Huge amounts of delicious food and a fantastic atmosphere. Also, I went to Hard Rock Cafe and saw Zoo, the band whose frontman has been standing in for Steve Tyler while Journey's been on tour. They are a good band. The food was good after I sent my hamburger back for more cooking---it was practically raw in the middle. Got lots of souvenirs including a bunny hug for Blair. Speaking of which, Sentinel beanie adventures should be up soon. They enjoyed the beach.
If you're on facebook you've seen the pics from Tagatay and the volcano at Taal. Also another cool adventure with Cornell's gang. I would not ride the bungee cords down the mountain, though--what the hell were they thinking? But we did go to a pretty little convent for ube jam and I got a bracelet for someone with a smaller wrist than me. Wait til you see what we got for the queens back home! Oh, and I got a tiera *LOL
The tiera was not from the convent but from 168 where I also got converse for 7 bucks and hope to get some vans for around the same price at MM. I haven't been to Krispy Kreme yet, but there's still a week and ahalf to go. We'll see what happens. I want to take home more tim tams too, and maybe some pocky crunch, which is delish!
Okay, I'm whipped, so that's all the vacation ramble you get from me. I'll post, then off to bed and then I'll post the TW story when I get up later today.
Cheers all.