February 22, 2009. Just one more week...

We went to another beach--pangasinan (sp?) and it was a wild time. We skipped the bus in favor of the van and got instead the short bus driven by somebody's uncle. The A/C conked out early so was a cozy, sweaty trip. It was a long trip too, but we got there. This is not a tourist beach. Very private. We spent most of our time in the pool. Whit's class made supper including awesome fish and adobo, brought booze and pop and water, and basically catered to us, which was sweet. Pangasinan is also known as 100 Islands and there are lots to be found. But the boats are too little and I'm too old and fat for that much adventure, so we stuck to our own. I had gay boyz to play with, and a pool to enjoy. We had a bonfire on the beach and a decent room, if not brilliant. I cranked the A/C and almost froze my gay boyz to death. Oops! *L* We ate breakfast and lunch at another aunt or uncle's place and the food was amazing while we stood in basically the middle of a jungle town. Pork on a tiny brazier, and lots of dogs and kids around. Real culture shock, but brilliant in it's generosity, and I'll never forget it. Also, sunburned to within an inch of my life, and won't forget that any time soon either *L*

Call coaching sucks ass and the o/t support grows more annoying daily. Also, I got coached for sleeping at my desk *LOL First coaching since Kim Falzgraf all those years ago. Nothing in writing, and I'm being an asshole about it, but who the fuck cares--I won't work for this company in four more days anyway.

We went to 168 to show alicia and I bought more this time than any other time, I think.  But Whit's purse fetish is catching apparently *L* And then I had to have a wallet to go with it, right? *L* And my first watch didn't work so I needed a new one. And I still didn't have Dr Who series 4....yeah, you know how it goes. Still, I spent less than 40 dollars, so not that big a deal. I want to go to SM Makati for a few more pasalubong (souvenirs) and Whit needs a new suitcase, and also, Krispy Kreme and cards for my team.

Speaking of our people, they are trying to get something organized before we go, as our flight is Friday so we'll miss grad, and that sucks. Still, we got to bring them to ABAY, and let's be frank--we trained them the best and there's no one better on the floor than our people. End of statement.

I'm going to try and do an alphabet challenge for torchwood fic which should organize so many of the ideas I have running around my head.

I'm sad to go, but homesick too. Still, if someone said go home or go to Puerto Galera all expenses paid for the next three months, well....banana milkshakes would win!

I promised Whit updates in an hour and 1/2, and I'm 2 min away, so that's me for now and I promise to let you all know when I'm back in the land of snow and legal gay marriage!
