1. I'm home. Even though it took two extra, days, nine hours of layover, a nice visit to the San Francisco airport, three different luggage weigh ins (at three different prices), one big bottle of water, one extra night in the Somerset, two room service meals, one maxed out corporate card, three different planes, one awful in flight breakfast, four chocolate covered nutter buddies, three seat belt extenders and of course threatening to kill everyone at JAL in their sleep (don't get me started on the police, living in the airport or threatening to pee on the floor), I'm home. So is Whitney.

2. It's cold and snowy and messy here and I wish I was in Cardiff.

3. Go to the Philippines. It's beautiful, the people are lovely, the beaches are gorgeous, the food is terrific and the karaoke unavoidable.

4. A is for Almonds is almost done, so I'll be posting that soon. And I wish I had the gumption and time to research physics, OCD and Aspergers (sp?) so I could write some really good Sheldon/Leonard stuff. Sheldon/Penny? Puhleeze!

5. I'm sort of out of a job. While Sam did term me on Monday, Blair reinstated me on Tuesday, and I might be going to Jonesboro AR for six weeks, although I've heard nothing yet. I hear Staples needs a trainer, and I need to talk to APSS about gay protocol or something.

6. Also, my period, a new computer chair (YAY), and brunch at the hotel Sask, just for fun. Also, new phone from Whit and Jason. I think they have a rift in their apartment where appliances fall through space and time and it's their job to monitor it...or lend it to their wacky neighbour downstairs. *L*

Hwyl fawr am nawr!